
soundwavedave 36 Shared, 1 Reviewed

Showing 16 of 36 Results (Page 2 of 2)

Koln Kr!sp 2.0

Kölsch ( 5B)
All Grain - 5.25 gal by soundwavedave
OG: 1.049 (12.1° P), Bitterness: 20.9 IBUs, ABV: 5.1 %

Krakhaus 2.0

Rye IPA (21B)
All Grain - 5.00 gal by soundwavedave
OG: 1.066 (16.1° P), Bitterness: 60.1 IBUs, ABV: 6.9 %

Mo Lupo

American Pale Ale (18B)
All Grain - 5.00 gal by soundwavedave
OG: 1.062 (15.3° P), Bitterness: 33.7 IBUs, ABV: 6.5 %


White IPA (21B)
All Grain - 5.00 gal by soundwavedave
OG: 1.064 (15.7° P), Bitterness: 56.3 IBUs, ABV: 6.5 %

Mun!ch Mash

Märzen ( 6A)
All Grain - 5.50 gal by soundwavedave
OG: 1.061 (15.0° P), Bitterness: 20.3 IBUs, ABV: 6.2 %


Weizenbock (10C)
All Grain - 5.00 gal by soundwavedave
OG: 1.075 (18.2° P), Bitterness: 21.9 IBUs, ABV: 7.7 %


Irish Red Ale (15A)
All Grain - 5.00 gal by soundwavedave
OG: 1.047 (11.6° P), Bitterness: 23.1 IBUs, ABV: 4.5 %

Red Sk!es at N!ght

Red IPA (21B)
All Grain - 5.00 gal by soundwavedave
OG: 1.066 (16.2° P), Bitterness: 59.7 IBUs, ABV: 6.5 %

Salem Saberhagen

Black IPA (21B)
All Grain - 5.50 gal by soundwavedave
OG: 1.062 (15.2° P), Bitterness: 50.1 IBUs, ABV: 6.2 %

Thackery B!nx (1 ratings)

Irish Extra Stout (15C)
All Grain - 5.00 gal by soundwavedave
OG: 1.056 (13.8° P), Bitterness: 39.9 IBUs, ABV: 5.5 %

The Holly K!ng

Winter Seasonal Beer (30C)
All Grain - 5.25 gal by soundwavedave
OG: 1.073 (17.8° P), Bitterness: 27.4 IBUs, ABV: 7.5 %

Thee D!rty Germans

Düsseldorf Altbier ( 7C)
All Grain - 5.00 gal by soundwavedave
OG: 1.055 (13.6° P), Bitterness: 45.2 IBUs, ABV: 5.9 %

Tr!pel Schwaz!ed

Belgian Tripel (26C)
All Grain - 5.00 gal by soundwavedave
OG: 1.083 (20.0° P), Bitterness: 26.7 IBUs, ABV: 9.2 %

WTF Wheat Beer

Dunkelweizen (15B)
All Grain - 5.00 gal by soundwavedave
OG: 1.068 (16.7° P), Bitterness: 14.6 IBUs, ABV: 7.0 %

Yellow Brick Rd

Belgian Tripel (26C)
All Grain - 5.00 gal by soundwavedave
OG: 1.075 (18.2° P), Bitterness: 33.7 IBUs, ABV: 8.2 %

Zelenskyy's T!ght Khak! TSh!rt (1 ratings)

Imperial Stout (20C)
All Grain - 5.50 gal by soundwavedave
OG: 1.093 (22.2° P), Bitterness: 74.6 IBUs, ABV: 9.8 %
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