
BrentwoodBrewing 8 Shared, 0 Reviewed

Showing 9 of 9 Results (Page 1 of 1)

"Go Big" Black IPA

Black IPA (21B)
All Grain - 11.00 gal by BrentwoodBrewing
OG: 1.081 (19.6° P), Bitterness: 49.7 IBUs, ABV: 8.5 %

Belguim Paters 10 gal

Trappist Single (26A)
All Grain - 11.00 gal by BrentwoodBrewing
OG: 1.048 (12.0° P), Bitterness: 30.0 IBUs, ABV: 5.3 %

Belguim Paters 15 gal

Trappist Single (26A)
All Grain - 15.00 gal by BrentwoodBrewing
OG: 1.047 (11.8° P), Bitterness: 30.5 IBUs, ABV: 5.4 %

British Golden Ale

British Golden Ale (12A)
All Grain - 16.00 gal by BrentwoodBrewing
OG: 1.049 (12.2° P), Bitterness: 39.9 IBUs, ABV: 4.9 %

BVIP 9.25.22

American Porter (20A)
All Grain - 11.00 gal by BrentwoodBrewing
OG: 1.091 (21.7° P), Bitterness: 38.2 IBUs, ABV: 9.5 %


Strong Bitter (11C)
All Grain - 16.00 gal by BrentwoodBrewing
OG: 1.051 (12.7° P), Bitterness: 38.1 IBUs, ABV: 4.8 %

Munich Helles 10 gal

Munich Helles (4A)
All Grain - 12.00 gal by BrentwoodBrewing
OG: 1.046 (11.5° P), Bitterness: 19.6 IBUs, ABV: 4.9 %

Pale Ale

American Pale Ale (18B)
All Grain - 16.00 gal by BrentwoodBrewing
OG: 1.048 (12.0° P), Bitterness: 36.0 IBUs, ABV: 4.8 %

Ramber Ale

Irish Red Ale (15A)
All Grain - 16.00 gal by BrentwoodBrewing
OG: 1.052 (12.8° P), Bitterness: 24.6 IBUs, ABV: 5.1 %
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