junhao 0 Shared, 0 Reviewed

- 11 March 2019 - 6:40 pm
tolliandrus shared the recipe Pale Ale - Vienna (Tanzanian Diploma)

anak85 on jjocsak's wall
- 24 December 2018 - 4:45 pm
Hi there! I would like to try your Bell's Two Hearted IPA here in Germany. I am trying to get everything in organic quality. WYEAST is not available in organic. Imperial Yeast is. Any suggestions if I can replace the yeast?
Also, I wanted to start making just a half batch. Any Pale Ale recipe you would recommend with the same yeast? Cheers! Phillip
Also, I wanted to start making just a half batch. Any Pale Ale recipe you would recommend with the same yeast? Cheers! Phillip