BrewMan47 49 Shared, 0 Reviewed
Showing 9 of 49 Results (Page 3 of 3)

Saison De Noel
Saison (16C)All Grain - 5.00 gal by BrewMan47
OG: 1.071 (17.3° P), Bitterness: 43.7 IBUs, ABV: 8.2 %

Scotch Ale
Scottish Light 60/- ( 9A)Extract - 5.00 gal by BrewMan47
OG: 1.032 (8.0° P), Bitterness: 16.5 IBUs, ABV: 3.1 %

Scottish Wee Heavy
Strong Scotch Ale ( 9E)Extract - 5.00 gal by BrewMan47
OG: 1.087 (21.0° P), Bitterness: 26.4 IBUs, ABV: 8.4 %

Surly Cynic
Belgian Specialty Ale (16E)All Grain - 5.00 gal by BrewMan47
OG: 1.055 (13.5° P), Bitterness: 17.6 IBUs, ABV: 5.9 %

The Number 8
Belgian Dark Strong Ale (18E)Extract - 5.00 gal by BrewMan47
OG: 1.086 (20.6° P), Bitterness: 22.7 IBUs, ABV: 10.1 %

Tmave Vycepni 10
Munich Dunkel ( 4B)All Grain - 5.00 gal by BrewMan47
OG: 1.043 (10.6° P), Bitterness: 39.5 IBUs, ABV: 4.3 %

Tood's Lefty Blonde
Belgian Golden Strong Ale (18D)All Grain - 5.00 gal by BrewMan47
OG: 1.084 (20.3° P), Bitterness: 11.3 IBUs, ABV: 9.8 %

Vienna Lager
Vienna Lager ( 3A)Extract - 5.00 gal by BrewMan47
OG: 1.051 (12.5° P), Bitterness: 17.1 IBUs, ABV: 4.9 %

Weizenbock (15C)Partial Mash - 5.00 gal by BrewMan47
OG: 1.072 (17.5° P), Bitterness: 19.4 IBUs, ABV: 6.8 %