MrCardus 14 Shared, 0 Reviewed
Sean's Website
Brulosopher on BeerSmith's wall
- 18 April 2012 - 11:58 am
Hey Brad! I've been keeping a (very small) list of things I think would be nice for this website:
1. The ability to scale another users recipe to a different batch size directly from the website, the same way one can scale a recipe in the BS program.
2. The ability to delineate type of measurement by ingredient, i.e. lbs for malt and grams for hops.
3. The ability for users to edit recipes post-upload to the cloud... a few times now, I've uploaded a recipe and wanted to tweak minor things, so I had to delete it from the cloud, edit it in BS, then re-upload.
Great stuff!!
- 18 April 2012 - 8:20 pm
Thanks - I'll take a look at the first two. For item three, you don't have to delete an item from the cloud but can open up your cloud view in BeerSmith and actually edit the item in place (in cloud view) by double clicking it.
Brulosopher on Brulosopher's wall
- 17 April 2012 - 4:42 am
After playing around a bit, I'm really enjoying this BS Recipe Cloud gig, and believe it has crazy potential!
- 17 April 2012 - 4:45 am
Thanks - I think it will be more interesting when we add another 10,000 users and recipes but it thanks for the kind comments
AndrewQLD on BeerSmith's wall
- 5 April 2012 - 9:47 pm
Hi Brad, I have noticed that if I use a different styleguide ie the AABC one that the recipes uploaded don't seem to go into the style categories obviously because the style numbering is different, is there any solution for this?
- 6 April 2012 - 1:17 am
I don't have an easy way to map styles, however the full text search will pick up both the name of the recipe and the style name when doing a search.