eatilgan 7 Shared, 1 Reviewed
Showing 7 of 7 Results (Page 1 of 1)
Bell's Two Hearted IPA
American IPA (14B)All Grain - 6.00 gal by eatilgan
OG: 1.068 (16.5° P), Bitterness: 59.4 IBUs, ABV: 6.8 %
EMRE-AMBER 2 (1 ratings)
American Amber Ale (6B)All Grain - 4.49 gal by eatilgan
OG: 1.055 (13.5° P), Bitterness: 35.1 IBUs, ABV: 6.0 %
American Amber Ale (6B)All Grain - 4.49 gal by eatilgan
OG: 1.055 (13.5° P), Bitterness: 30.9 IBUs, ABV: 6.0 %
American Pale Ale (18B)All Grain - 6.60 gal by eatilgan
OG: 1.058 (14.2° P), Bitterness: 30.5 IBUs, ABV: 6.0 %
Emre-California common
California Common (19B)All Grain - 6.60 gal by eatilgan
OG: 1.052 (12.8° P), Bitterness: 36.2 IBUs, ABV: 5.6 %
American Porter (20A)All Grain - 4.49 gal by eatilgan
OG: 1.062 (15.2° P), Bitterness: 38.1 IBUs, ABV: 6.0 %
American Stout (20B)All Grain - 4.49 gal by eatilgan
OG: 1.060 (14.8° P), Bitterness: 37.9 IBUs, ABV: 5.8 %