komats01 6 Shared, 1 Reviewed
Cave Brewery -
Showing 6 of 6 Results (Page 1 of 1)
#Aussie Ale
Australian Ale ( 1A)All Grain - 6.74 gal by komats01
OG: 1.046 (11.4° P), Bitterness: 12.2 IBUs, ABV: 5.0 %
#Golden Ale (1 ratings)
American Pale Ale (10A)All Grain - 10.04 gal by komats01
OG: 1.049 (12.2° P), Bitterness: 30.6 IBUs, ABV: 5.1 %
American IPA (14B)All Grain - 7.66 gal by komats01
OG: 1.060 (14.9° P), Bitterness: 55.9 IBUs, ABV: 6.3 %
#Nicks Belgian Gold
Belgian Golden Strong Ale (18D)All Grain - 5.81 gal by komats01
OG: 1.081 (19.6° P), Bitterness: 29.8 IBUs, ABV: 10.1 %
#Pirate Chilli Ale
American Pale Ale ( 6A)All Grain - 8.19 gal by komats01
OG: 1.049 (12.2° P), Bitterness: 12.4 IBUs, ABV: 5.1 %
The Glove Thief (1 ratings)
American Pale Ale (10A)All Grain - 9.91 gal by komats01
OG: 1.047 (11.7° P), Bitterness: 27.7 IBUs, ABV: 5.2 %