lelmore 6 Shared, 0 Reviewed
Showing 6 of 6 Results (Page 1 of 1)

Apple-Achian Ale (AAA) (1.1)
Braggot (26B)Extract - 8.00 gal by lelmore
OG: 1.080 (19.4° P), Bitterness: 15.7 IBUs, ABV: 8.4 %

Epic Failure IPA
American IPA (14B)All Grain - 5.00 gal by lelmore
OG: 1.066 (16.1° P), Bitterness: 24.8 IBUs, ABV: 6.7 %

Linko de Mayo Saison
Saison (16C)All Grain - 5.25 gal by lelmore
OG: 1.053 (13.1° P), Bitterness: 22.1 IBUs, ABV: 6.2 %

Something American/Toy Story 21/Buzzed and Woody
Wood Aged Beer (22C)All Grain - 5.00 gal by lelmore
OG: 1.079 (19.2° P), Bitterness: 41.5 IBUs, ABV: 7.8 %

Ugly Girlfriend Winter Warmer
Christmas/Winter Specialty Spice Beer (21B)All Grain - 3.00 gal by lelmore
OG: 1.085 (20.4° P), Bitterness: 49.1 IBUs, ABV: 8.5 %

Wilco (the beer) Black IPA
American IPA (14B)All Grain - 6.00 gal by lelmore
OG: 1.054 (13.4° P), Bitterness: 67.7 IBUs, ABV: 5.6 %