darbard 1 Shared, 4 Reviewed

darbard on darbard's wall
- 1 October 2013 - 1:33 pm
Thanks for the info. Found another double red IPA called Red Velvet and it is in the primary now. 22 pound grain bill for 5 gal batch! Looks fantastic - OG 1.079 and ruby red. If it works out well will post on BS with permission from the maker. Cheers

mxpx5678 on darbard's wall
- 30 September 2013 - 10:03 pm
Hey just as an aside, I would NOT call that recipe cloned, I made it and it turned out as a Amber Ale, but I had a lot of problems that day, i added way too much water and ended with about 8 gallons at end of boil. Without so much water i should have been spot on. Not sure how you got to a porter like color. maybe used the wrong specialty grain?