bleonard50 4 Shared, 0 Reviewed

dchijarhead on bleonard50's wall
- 2 May 2018 - 11:45 pm
I will be brewing your 90 Shillings before too long using your recipe. I will let you know it comes out. I've had it once on tap and liked it. I found a six pack of it at Sam's, so I have something to compare it to. It has been three years since your post, but if you have any suggestions to make it closer, I would like to hear your input. Cheers

bleonard50 on bleonard50's wall
- 3 May 2018 - 2:51 pm
I have brewed that recipe several times and it is a regular at my house. no real changes for the last several batches. Last time i did a side by side it was really close to odells. If you have fresh 90 (at the brewery) there is a bit more hop aroma, still not much, but you can bump the cascade a bit or dry hop it for complexity. They do change their hops from time to time but this is all malt flavor so probably doesn't matter much. Let me know what you think.

dchijarhead on bleonard50's wall
- 3 May 2018 - 11:52 pm
Thanks for the feedback, I really like all the brews that I dry hop using cascade. It will be a few weeks before I can get to this, but looking forward to it. Cheers

dchijarhead on bleonard50's wall
- 28 October 2018 - 2:49 pm
Took me longer then expected to brew, but brewed it yesterday. Hit all my numbers, I will updat and rate in a few weeks. Still need to dry hop. Thanks

stomatta on bleonard50's wall
- 22 June 2016 - 6:30 pm
Dude.. two brown ales on your list?? Have you gone MADDD?

stomatta on bleonard50's wall
- 17 January 2013 - 7:27 pm
yo dude.. I'm sold on Flanders Red after trying a Rodenbach the other night.. just posted Jamil's recipe if you wanna check it out.. i'm excited to brew it!

bleonard50 on bleonard50's wall
- 18 January 2013 - 5:10 am
I agree on the flanders, got a recipe for la roja from a byo clone mag i just uploaded. the mag says it should be 21 srm but the recipe comes out much lighter so i think it is a misprint. can't wait!!

bleonard50 on bleonard50's wall
- 18 January 2013 - 5:11 am
got a starter of edinburg going so I think the 90 stout is going to be my mlk day brew session. might add some pale chocolate for complexity

stomatta on bleonard50's wall
- 21 January 2013 - 4:46 pm
Yo, can you post your 90 stout recipe here? I assume you have in Beersmith..

stomatta on bleonard50's wall
- 21 January 2013 - 4:47 pm
Next barrel project with Tonole is the Doppelbock I posted.. and for his barrel is a Belg Quad.. brewing both soon.. just did 2 Hearted Clone again.. dry hopping soon.. Oh, when you post recipe, you have to hit the Mark as Shared.. I don't see any recipes under you at the moment

stomatta on bleonard50's wall
- 21 January 2013 - 4:48 pm
haven't had La Roja yet.. had the Bamm and Bamm Noir.. and a bunch of other JP.. will have to try

bleonard50 on bleonard50's wall
- 22 January 2013 - 1:35 am
I like la roja and most of what JP makes. I think all the recipes are up now. for the 90 stout, I like to do a decoction but wasn't sure how to put that into the recipe. also added a little pale chocolate this time but might not be too noticable...