theconcierge 3 Shared, 0 Reviewed
Showing 3 of 3 Results (Page 1 of 1)

Dark 'n' Heavy BIAB
Black IPA (21B)All Grain - 5.00 gal by theconcierge
OG: 1.063 (15.4° P), Bitterness: 51.0 IBUs, ABV: 6.7 %

Oakham Citra Clone
American IPA (21A)All Grain - 5.00 gal by theconcierge
OG: 1.048 (11.9° P), Bitterness: 39.3 IBUs, ABV: 5.3 %

pilsner urquell clone
American Amber Ale ( 6B)All Grain - 5.00 gal by theconcierge
OG: 1.053 (13.0° P), Bitterness: 17.9 IBUs, ABV: 5.2 %