stomatta 2 Shared, 2 Reviewed
IPA Club

dojoflow45 on stomatta's wall
- 1 March 2013 - 8:04 pm
This sunday I am going to attempt your wookey jack clone. I had to change the amarillo to pacific jade and the caramel rye to caramel wheat. My question is when do I start the dry hoping. DO i start it right when i add the yeast or do I wait a couple of days, and about how long will it ferment for. Thanks for any tips

stomatta on stomatta's wall
- 1 March 2013 - 8:58 pm
Hey Joe, I haven't actually made this yet, but whenever I dry hop, I wait till after fermentation is complete. I usually crash the yeast after fermentation, then add the hops for 3-7 days. Fermentation will be complete when the gravity no longer changes for 3 days straight ( as a general rule)

bleonard50 on stomatta's wall
- 15 February 2013 - 5:46 am
Yo dude, you mind sharing that Irish stout recipe? reviving some yeast from many moons ago and hoping for another stout like we made back in the day. tasty and a little too drinkable!

bleonard50 on stomatta's wall
- 20 February 2013 - 5:04 am
Thanks Dude, Waiting for the yeast to kick, three days on a stir plate and not much happening. Hope I didn't lose my whispering skills. Not sure how to approach the side car with this system but sure it will happen

bleonard50 on stomatta's wall
- 20 February 2013 - 5:05 am
was also thinking about our spudwiser. need to run to the store to make my stout truely irish