Kiteboy 4 Shared, 0 Reviewed
Showing 4 of 4 Results (Page 1 of 1)

Duppie's Kolsch #5
Kölsch ( 6C)All Grain - 6.08 gal by Kiteboy
OG: 1.048 (11.9° P), Bitterness: 22.0 IBUs, ABV: 5.2 %

Jaco's dark ruby#03
Extra Special/Strong Bitter (English Pale Ale) ( 8C)All Grain - 6.08 gal by Kiteboy
OG: 1.056 (13.8° P), Bitterness: 46.2 IBUs, ABV: 5.6 %

Lefty Blond#06
Belgian Blond Ale (18A)All Grain - 6.08 gal by Kiteboy
OG: 1.056 (13.9° P), Bitterness: 21.2 IBUs, ABV: 6.5 %

Little Creatures Pale Ale Clone #6
American Pale Ale (10A)All Grain - 6.08 gal by Kiteboy
OG: 1.050 (12.5° P), Bitterness: 28.8 IBUs, ABV: 5.2 %