alexg 19 Shared, 1 Reviewed
Showing 3 of 23 Results (Page 2 of 2)
Saison (100% pilsner malt, hops from home, saison yeast)
Saison (16C)All Grain - 11.10 gal by alexg
OG: 1.051 (12.6° P), Bitterness: 25.0 IBUs, ABV: 6.1 %
Victor Diego - India Red Ale MadF
American IPA (14B)All Grain - 3.96 gal by alexg
OG: 1.065 (15.9° P), Bitterness: 54.8 IBUs, ABV: 6.4 %
workings#71 Red RyePA 7.8
Red IPA (21B)All Grain - 6.08 gal by alexg
OG: 1.080 (19.3° P), Bitterness: 84.6 IBUs, ABV: 7.8 %