bellytank 0 Shared, 1 Reviewed

Brewdog on bellytank's wall
- 9 July 2012 - 5:55 pm
Most people dry hop in the secondary for 3-14 days.
If you just throw them in there and rack your beer on top of them, it takes awhile for them to settle out. If you put them in a hop sack, you can use less time. I personally don't dry hop. I prefer to add the "dry hops" at flameout and let them steep for 15 minutes before cooling the wort.
If you just throw them in there and rack your beer on top of them, it takes awhile for them to settle out. If you put them in a hop sack, you can use less time. I personally don't dry hop. I prefer to add the "dry hops" at flameout and let them steep for 15 minutes before cooling the wort.