Bell's Two Hearted IPA (105 ratings)

All Grain Recipe

Submitted By: jjocsak (Shared)
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Brewer: JJJ
Batch Size: 6.00 galStyle: American IPA (14B)
Boil Size: 7.00 galStyle Guide: BJCP 2008
Color: 6.6 SRMEquipment: My Equipment 2
Bitterness: 59.4 IBUsBoil Time: 60 min
Est OG: 1.068 (16.5° P)Mash Profile: JJJ Batch Sparge Light
Est FG: 1.017 SG (4.2° P)Fermentation: Ale, Single Stage
ABV: 6.8%Taste Rating: 30.0

Amount Name Type #
12 lbs Pale Malt, Maris Otter (3.0 SRM) Grain 1
2 lbs Vienna Malt (Weyermann) (3.0 SRM) Grain 2
8.00 oz Cara-Pils/Dextrine (2.0 SRM) Grain 3
8.00 oz Caramel/Crystal Malt - 20L (20.0 SRM) Grain 4
0.75 oz Centennial [10.3%] - Boil 60 min Hops 5
0.50 oz Centennial [10.3%] - Boil 45 min Hops 6
0.50 oz Centennial [10.3%] - Boil 30 min Hops 7
0.75 oz Centennial [10.3%] - Boil 15 min Hops 8
1.00 Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 10 min) Misc 9
0.50 oz Centennial [10.3%] - Boil 0 min Hops 10
1.0 pkgs Denny's Favorite 50 (Wyeast #WY1450) Yeast 11
1.00 oz Cascade [5.5%] - Dry Hop 14 days Hops 12
1.00 oz Centennial [10.0%] - Dry Hop 14 days Hops 13


Bottled 68 deg 5 gal 4 oz. corn sugar Mash at 153 deg. Single Stage


by jjocsak

This has been by far the best beer I have ever made.

Looks good!

by BitterPUNK

Just 1 question... You dry hop this beer for 0 days?

Going to try this one this weekend

by flutch

I will update you with my thought and will rate it at that time


by tx_brewer

One of the best IPA's ive ever made. Will definitely brew again. Love this beer.

by TheHopfather

Gotta love Centennial hops!

by bellytank

I have never dry hopped before, so can someone go into detail for me.
Do you dry hop for 14 days?
Do I add the hops to the primary fermenter, if so how do you transfer them to
the secondary fermenter?

by baddaddy

Made this 3 times. Very easy and straightforward. Love this beer. Can't buy it in New England. Just kegged 22 gal.

Highly recommended

by BeerSmith

A great IPA

Dry Hopping

by Maltmaster

Belly tank - as for dry hopping, I would do it in the secondary after fermentation has slowed down some. As for the time limit I believe it was an article in Zymurgy that said you don't want to dry hop for more than 14 days or you will start to get some astringent and grassy notes into the beer (unless that is what you want - but not for this recipe).

by gevans73

Going to brew this weekend and then will rate it better. However, will be brewing as a steep/extract. Any suggestions for that conversion?

by Toy4Rick

Halfway through this recipe, my first IPA and I really love it.

Simply amazing

Smooth IPA

by ottman

Nice and smooth for an IPA, yet great dry hop flavor. Thanks for sharing!

In My Top Four!

by tahoeguy

Just perfect! Hmmm, this is my kind of beer!

Awesome, to be brewed again

by jfrollup

Excellent beer without even dry hopping! Very impressed with the taste! From what I can remember, this is close to the Bell's.

excellent beer

by volkvanmyn25

I haven't tasted the real one yet, but the clone was fantastic. I will definitly brew this one again.

Dry Hopping advice

by PhelanKA7

I've had the most success Dry-Hopping for 48 hours at normal fermentation temps once the fermentation has slowed significantly. Then I do a cold crash for 48 hours to settle the hop material to the bottom of the fermentation vessel. According to a research group in Oregon 48 hours is the top of a Bell curve where you get the most useful hop utilization in a dry hopping situation. However, the researchers were also using an agitator in their fermentation vessel so that is why I do a total of 4 days (48h normal temp/48h cold crash).

Hope this helps.


by Klimekid

My first homebrew, and I'm glad this was my first choice. This was excellent and now I'm wishing I had brewed more. The only thing I did different was up my CO2 psi to bring the carb level to within recommended range for IPAs.


by Brewskie

This was my first all grain beer I made and wow. Turned out perfect. Super hoppy and delicious. Dry hopped 1oz each cascade and centennial 3 days before racking into keg. ABV is up there so be careful. Had a headache the day after the super bowl :)

I ended up using US-05 yeast instead of the one in the recipe. I have ambient fermentation temperature ~57*F

a well balanced beer

by hipHopopotamus

I rarely say it but I think I will brew this one again, thanks jj. I really like the Denny's fav 50, was able to stir plate it up for four batches, this, another ipa and two reds. Seems to be great, maybe a pale next.


by mkringii

have to drop the cascade if you want to truly call this a clone.. i havent made "this" recipe and judging by the reviews i would say its awesome.. but two hearted is centennial ONLY grain bill is spot on though

my first all grain

by Harlenator

I chose this as my first all grain, I LOVE IT! I've shared this with friends and they cant believe it is home made. I had a few mishaps with the brewing process but got there eventually. SG's were spot on.

by tobz1

subbed US-05. fantastic beer

Awesome Sauce

by mission42

This recipe needs to change its name to Awesome Sauce. best beer i've ever made.

Excellent recipe

by dotphil

First batch on our new hardware and it turned out GREAT. Denny's Favorite 50 wasn't available at our local store so we used Wyeast 1056 - American Ale with good results. Dry Hopping in secondary was also extended to 20 days resulting in a bit of astringency.

Nice thick head and good lacing. Nose builds up around floral and citrus notes. Taste is well balanced between malt sweetness and hops citrus flavors. Finish is all about bitterness. In our case astringency from the dry hopping and a bit of remaining sugar.

We will definitely brew again.

Solid !

by Petedadink

This rarely makes it to the west coast but still one of my favorites !

Very nice

by gilius

Made two kegs of this, really nice ipa

Used Cascade

by dchijarhead

There seem to be a lot of excitement about this brew. I have never had the original so it is hard to make a comparison. Never the less, I brewed this today. I had everything except Centennial hops. I grow my own hops and I have a Centennial plant, however it is getting a very slow start this year and this recipe needs a lot of hops. But I have a plant of Cascade hops that is over loaded. To me Centennial is Cascade on steroids so I used lots of Fresh Cascade (Dehydrated) and I will have more when I need to dry hop. I ordered the Denny's Favorite 50 yeast earlier this year for this brew, but I was worried it was getting too old so I use it with a different Ale and reused the yeast when I transferred it into its secondary. I was able to save the yeast and add it to this brew on the same day, and it is now going gang busters on this IPA after only a few hours. This IPA will be very hoppy may not be a clone, but still very hoppy. I think I’ll call it “Bell's Two Hearted Cascade almost Clone IPA?” Brew went very well and I think it will be a keeper. Thanks for sharing.

Flavorful IPA

by Kyken

Made 10 gallons kegged 5 and bottled 5 the keg emptied too quick gave out 18 bottles of samples all reviews came back great now I need to make another batch before I empty all the bottles never had the original but I really like this one.
Aug.19,2013 Just kegged 5 more gallons from my second batch of this but I added 1.5 lbs of rye flakes to the recipe. I'm convinced this is a winner every time. I still have 5 more gallons to keg yet since I converted this to a 10 gallon batch. Thanks for this recipe I love it.

by unclevername

Have made this 4 ten gallon batches. It is getting to the point friends are asking for it. The only change I have made was to increase cara piels to improve head retention.

Awesome Brew!

by jeremypolk13

Made this a few weeks ago and tastes awesome as little as two weeks into bottle conditioning! I scaled recipe down a bit to a boil size of 6 gal but kept the same amount of cara pils and crystal malt. Compared side by side with Bell's - results were better head retention from the clone but a small amount darker in color. All my friends that love hops love this beer!!!!

What a first IPA!

by mopyb

We've done this IPA 1 month ago and we could wait to try it. After only 2 weeks in bottle, we tried it with friends during a beertasting. It came out so good that most of our friends preferred it to big name IPAs like Stone Cali-Belgian IPA, Sierra Nevada Torpedo extra IPA and Founder's Centennial IPA! Amazing for an easy IPA!

Super Beer

by patrickw73

This is best brew I made so far. Everyone who tries this beer loves it.

by h4yst3r

I tried this using us-05 and mosaic instead of centennial and it still turned out awesome

not a true clone, but still great

by acacko

brewed a 6 gal batch.
ferment 1 week
dry hop for 2 weeks
move to secondary to clear for 2 weeks and bottle
didn't last 3 weeks. even being in the bottle for 3 days it was great!
just brewed a new 10 gal batch.
I would recommend everyone that loves IPA's try this one

How long to ferment?

by ptg01s

Very new here, so I apologize if this is repetitive. As far as the fermentation goes, I am assuming the primary should be 10 -14 days, and then move to secondary for dry hopping at 14 days. So the total fermentation should be ~ 24 days, or do you let it sit in secondary for some time prior to dry hopping?

Mash Temp?

by BrianDorry55

Can anyone shed any light on what would be an ideal mash temp for this beer? I'm brewing it in a few days and it just dawned on me that I don't have a mash temp...Thanks for any help!

Great One!

by TWC500

I've brewed this a couple of times - One of our favorites! I've played with using various styles of hops at the end, still great!

Loved it!

by DeUltima

This recipe has to be one of the best I've brewed to date and served to reinforce my love for Centennial hops.


by crpisani

My friends said it was the best home brewed beer they ever had!

Excellent recipe

by gtrhck

I made a partial mash version with us05. Very tasty and well received by friends too. I will be making this recipe again! Thanks for posting this one

Nice Job

by joctcl

loved it thanks, great after 3 months conditioning

Inspite of mistakes, great

by sudslvr

I made during a heat wave, so fermented a bit on the hot side. I put in my closet and put a frozen juice bottle next to it and rotated every day. When I opened it, pfisht, nice carb, and tasted really good. Would make again.


by surfingmonkey

Guys, I have Got a 5 gallons setup - is this really 12lbs of maris otter? Seems a lot for a 23 litre batch or have I go the sizes wrong.

by Tarha

My buddies got a round before heading out on a golf outing- they recommended we pass golf and spend the day drinking this amazing IPA!

by MatsOlle

One of the best beer I tasted, just finished second brewing of this

by sfdpiper

Here's a link to the actual recipe by the brewer, happy brewing

by J-Man

Close enough, and very tasty. Had one that didn't ferment properly and just came out sweeter, others have been around the 6.5% mark and taste great. A little cold conditioning helps smooth it out. A very good recipe.

by kingy

my first IPA after 8 years of brewing. Definitely in my top 3 best beers brewed.

So far so good

by Dwarren

Primary is chugging away at about 70 degrees. Will NOT secondary. Skipped the Cascade and went all Centennial. Smelled amazing during brew and hours after!
OG = 1.0663 - BIAB. Can't wait!

Great Recipe

by kmoose

I brewed this on 1/31/15 and it came out very good. Slightly malty, hoppy, big hop aromas. Using Denny's yeast is a must! There's not a single thing that I would tweak on this recipe, thanks JJJ!

by yerko

Brewed this 4 weeks ago. I had a few changes like more hops for higher IBU, the yeast was amazing. Overall I will make this IPA again


by sledge

great recipe will brew again

love it

by peterl1981

very smooth ipa thanks for sharing

American ll yeast needed

by BostonianBrewer

Switch that yeast to 1217 American ll and this will be a 5 STAR recipe . Its the yeast the brewery uses.


by LasseKongo

This is a real winner, will be a permanent resident in my kegs.

by odjorg

by GPP33

I brewed this up yesterday, everything went as planned so I'm hoping I'm as pleased as everyone else. I'll report back once my little yeasties are done working.

I went with 60L Caramel/Crystal for a little more color and WLP001.

Great Beer

by thinwightduke

This has been my most sucessfull AG beer to date. It's a little subtle on the hop aroma for my tastes so I will increase the amount of dry hops next brew.

Needs tweaking

by stillorgan

Brewed based on receipe but dry hopped with Chinook and Centennial. Was disappointed by dark colour for IPA and lack of hop aroma. Will definitely brew again but will need to play around with grain qty and dry hopping duration! That said, still a quaffable beer.

great taste

by Barbarosbrewingco

You must to put the profile
water , if you want. thanks


by Curly9

Love this beer. Will be making it again soon.

Subbed Mosaic and Citra

by CBRent524

Subbed the Centennial with Mosaic and Cascade with Citra. It came out *very* good. :-)

by Uberfly

First batch ever

by ahoegh

Made this recipe as my first batch ever. Hit OG and FG spot on. The beer came out really good. Good aroma and bitterness, but nothing extreme.

A great recipe!

by Paralyzer

Many thanks!Turned out to be a great beer.


by ianmollan

Brilliant beer. Thanks.

by Brewcod

Thank you so much! Perfect recipe.

I'll have another

by Bklingle

Great brew! This was my first venture into all grain. With just a couple of minor adjustments for my equipment I hit the numbers. Dry hopped on day 15. Cold crashed on day 28. Kegged and carbed on day 35. Probably should have kegged a few days sooner. Couple days later I had to give it a try and then had to have another.... just to be sure.. great recipe. Thanks!

It rocks!

by mapuluxo

One of my favourite IPAs. Something for a special day...or night!

Yeast substitute

by zender28

I cant get wyeast 1450 in my local store. Can suggest other yeast goes with this recipe? Can I use US-05 instead?

Not a Fan of IPAs BUT...

by yosopiku

..this one is rather decent, very smooth taste and my friends love it!

All good

by Hoppscraft

I love it.Great strong beer 10 deg abv. No dry hopping and i used us 5 yeast.Frends said excellent tasting beer.Will brew lot more

Centennial Rules!

by AndreBrazil

Best beer I´ve brewed. Used US-05 and become great. Simple recipe, fantastic result. Sure will make this again.

Best IPA Ever

by BigPoppa502

Granted I've never had the Plineys but I live for Bells Two Hearted as it is still the best IPA I've ever tasted. LOVE IT. So I've brewed several clones, but this one with the Vienna and Pils looks to be AWESOME. I can't wait to brew this. With a 6.8 target ABV its a little smaller than the original, but the flavor is what we're looking for right? Cheers!

Two hearted IPA

by Feduolivera

by Corniel

Very nice beer

Great Recipe !

by steverob

You can also try this recipe if you like a Super Hoppy IPA.
"Bell's Two Hearted IPA by Stefano Diosi"

Super Awesome!!!

by YzerBru

Can't believe how good this came out!
Thanks for the share.


by Vararith



by kadupenido


by karlz

Tonight I tasted this beer that I made some weeks ago.
I now understand why this beer has the most ratings.
Best beer ever. Ive never tasted the real thing, but omfg this recipe is the best


by FifthRiverBrewer

Scaled it to 11 gallons. The first 5 gallon keg went dry in less than one week. Friends all could not believe how good this beer tastes. I will absolutely brew this again and likely soon!


by ptursan

This was my first all grain brew after a 15 year hiatus (previously only partial mash brewing). It did not disappoint. There's a reason it's the highest rated recipe here :)

Nice IPA

by dominikn

Great recipe thank you!

Greetings from austria.


by josepmripoll

Excellent recipe, thanks for sharing

substitute for Maris Otter and Denny's Favorite 50

by Loconad

I really want to prepare this recipe, unfortunately in Argentina I don't get Maris Otter and neither Denny's Favorite 50 nor any other liquid yeast. I need to replace this as close as possible, I appreciate any help.

Perfect choice

by athenagroup

This beer has earned a perpetual place in my kegerator. Everyone likes it - especially people who "don't like IPAs"...

Great recipe, great flavors, one substitution

by cdykema

I have made this beer three times now and it turned out great each time. I do use basic Safale 05 yeast in my batches but things turn out great as far as flavors and gravity readings. BUt my friends who "dont like IPAs" still don't like this one haha - visit website and win smartphone!

by Thiago_Zamboni - visit website and win smartphone!

by embddddvs


Awesome Clone

by Knightbrew

On average I brew a 5 gal. batch every four to six weeks. That's roughly 10-12 batches a year. Of those, I might find one or two that I'll brew again and again. This IPA recipe is a keeper. The only change I made was I used Safale US 05 because I had a sachet on hand. But the next time I'll use Denny's Favorite. The only addition I made was the use of the Hoppy Pale Ale as my target water profile (140, 18, 17, 350, 50, 27). Thank you for sharing.

Actual recipe

by residentbrewer

This looks like a yummy IPA.... may I make a suggestion though... 70% 2-Row, 25% Pale Ale and 5% C40. Heavy dose of calcium sulfate in the mash. Only Centennial hops in the boil staggered high for bitter and increasingly larger at approx 30/20/10, no WHP strike. Approx 55-60 BUs. Ferment warm ~ 75F/24C. Dryhop day 5 for 5 days, and should be 1.065/16P OG with a FG of 1.016/4P. That's the recipe. Source? I literally brewed it for them. If you're giggity, prop up some Amber or Oberon bottle yeast and you'll get even closer to the real thing. Happy Brewing!

Edit: I should have said why I liked this recipe here too. I have a soft spot for Vienna malt, so you had me there. Cheers!


by Sleepingmountain

by adamstarckk

I have never dry hopped before, so can someone go into detail for me.

Great Beer

by thomasrj42

Really good flavor. Nice, clean bitterness easy to drink too much of.

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