guitarguy3612 3 Shared, 0 Reviewed
Showing 3 of 3 Results (Page 1 of 1)

Hopscotch (Large Whirlpool)
American Pale Ale (10A)All Grain - 11.00 gal by guitarguy3612
OG: 1.047 (11.6° P), Bitterness: 74.7 IBUs, ABV: 4.4 %

Hopscotch (MC Test Batch 2)
American Pale Ale (10A)All Grain - 11.00 gal by guitarguy3612
OG: 1.047 (11.6° P), Bitterness: 58.6 IBUs, ABV: 4.4 %

Junebug (3)
American Wheat or Rye Beer ( 6D)All Grain - 11.00 gal by guitarguy3612
OG: 1.050 (12.4° P), Bitterness: 26.8 IBUs, ABV: 4.7 %