j2hilland 0 Shared, 0 Reviewed

mmmooretx on BeerSmith's wall
- 11 March 2014 - 3:06 pm
Question on your Saison de la Place. Ingredients indicate Lactic Acid in Mash (60 min.) but Notes indicate Lactic acid added after keg conditioning. Question did you do both or just after keg conditioning? I am going to modify slightly using Szechuan peppercorns that have a lemon overtone (maybe double yours).

Bartamus-Maximus on BeerSmith's wall
- 28 October 2013 - 3:20 pm
The party gyle news letter has me confused. How about a step by step example of exactly how it is done. Add a button to Beersmith to do the calculations. That would enable room for experimentation before getting commited to 20+ lbs of grain in a 5 gallon batch?

- 28 October 2013 - 7:30 pm
I don't have a party-gyle option in BeerSmith itself. It is on my list to add and will likely start as a separate tool.

hennesse on BeerSmith's wall
- 1 October 2013 - 9:35 pm
BeerSmith's Dry Irish Stout - how do you prepare the roasted barley in this recipe? And is the 10g Gypsum in addition to that used to Dublin-ize your water?

- 1 October 2013 - 9:55 pm
I simply use it in the mash. I don't generally need to harden the water, but its up to you and your local water conditions.