ochiburi 0 Shared, 1 Reviewed
Laurence - Another Planet Brewing

ochiburi on ochiburi's wall
- 15 July 2015 - 11:09 pm
Back to home brewing after 30 years. Used to do extract kits, but in truth they were not great back then.
Now into all grain brewing - My first brew was a BIAB Punk IPA Clone. I did not hit targets, made some mistakes, but it still tastes good. Since then I have switched to more traditional mash techniques.
I call my brewery Another Planet Brewing.
My latest brews are an Imperial IPA I call Warp 9 plus I made a smaller beer from the second runnings I call Impulse IPA. The Implulse ceased primary fermentation after about 4 days, the Warp 9 is still going after 10 days.
When I racked the Impulse I tasted some - even without dry hopping and no time to condition, the beer is a lovely session brew at about 4% - its now conditioning in a corny.

ochiburi on ochiburi's wall
- 15 July 2015 - 11:16 pm
I have my bext two brews designed: a german inspired hefeweizen I aim to call Will's Wheaton Hefeweizen which will follow a well trodden path for grist at about 70/30 wheat malt to pilsner plus a hanful of acidulated malt for ph control, use Saaz hops, and WLP300. After that I plan to recreate a clone of a beer from my past Gales BBB - an ordinary bitter style at about 3.6% that used to be my favourite session beer back in the day when I lived near the brewery at Horndean in Hampshire.