bdraper 0 Shared, 3 Reviewed

bdraper on bdraper's wall
- 6 November 2012 - 12:55 pm
Hi Brad, I have not made it yet. I didn't realize I rated it (new to the site sorry). I was going to make a double recipe and leave 5 gallons as original and play around with the other 5 by adding the vanilla beans. I will definitely give you my feedback. The guys at the brew shop saw your recipe and they are anxious to try it as well. Hopefully I can get it going this weekend. Thank you and I really like your website.

oteixeira on bdraper's wall
- 5 November 2012 - 12:58 am
Brad, Hey, I am the owner of the Milk O'Stout recipe. Just wonder, have you brewed and tasted it yet? Because you rated it already. I was hoping you could give me your thoughts on it! As for the vanilla beans, I have not tried that, but I have a friend that put cocoa powder into it and he LOVED it that way. I think this recipe works well with additions, but to be honest, I love it just the way it is.