Brulosopher's Best Blonde Ale
(47 ratings)
All Grain Recipe
Submitted By: Brulosopher (Shared)Members can download and share recipes
Brewer: Bright Spot Brewing | |
Batch Size: 5.50 gal | Style: Blonde Ale ( 6B) |
Boil Size: 7.38 gal | Style Guide: BJCP 2008 |
Color: 4.2 SRM | Equipment: Bright Spot (5.5 Gal) |
Bitterness: 21.3 IBUs | Boil Time: 60 min |
Est OG: 1.045 (11.2° P) | Mash Profile: BRIGHT SPOT - Light to Medium Body |
Est FG: 1.009 SG (2.3° P) | Fermentation: Ale, Two Stage |
ABV: 4.7% | Taste Rating: 30.0 |
Amount | Name | Type | # |
8 lbs 4.00 oz | Pale Malt (2 Row), NW Pale (2.0 SRM) | Grain | 1 |
12.00 oz | White Wheat Malt (2.4 SRM) | Grain | 2 |
8.00 oz | Caramel/Crystal Malt - 15L (15.0 SRM) | Grain | 3 |
4.00 oz | Cara-Pils/Dextrine (2.0 SRM) | Grain | 4 |
0.25 oz | Galena [13.0%] - Boil 55 min | Hops | 5 |
0.25 oz | Cascade [6.4%] - Boil 25 min | Hops | 6 |
0.25 oz | Cascade [6.4%] - Boil 10 min | Hops | 7 |
0.25 oz | Columbus (Tomahawk) [12.9%] - Boil 10 min | Hops | 8 |
0.25 oz | Cascade [6.4%] - Boil 5 min | Hops | 9 |
1.0 pkgs | German Ale/Kolsch (White Labs #WLP029) | Yeast | 10 |
Taste Notes
Fully fermented on day 7, taste is incredible!Ratings
by krispy3d
This blonde is a treat. There's something about the combination of those hops and that yeast strain that are a home run. I've had and brewed multiple iterations of this beer and it always hits the spot, and it's a great starting point for experimentation (but my guess is you'd come back to this recipe in the end).
by brick101
GREAT BLONDE! Fermented primary 7 days, secondary 21 days, all @ 70 degrees, bottled w/ cane sugar and waited 14 days, then lagered @ 38 degrees 14 days. This beer was great! It needed the lagering, really smoothed it out!I think more lagering would make this beer even better!!
Very nice! 
by illusiv1
A huge hit at the house. First batch was killed in a night. ARGH!! Although due to availability of grains I switched it up a bit to 8 lbs Pale Malt, 1 LB White Wheat, 8 oz of Caramel 20L.
Very Good Recipe 
by Brewdog
Made a 10 gallon batch. Kolsch in 1/2 and Safeale American in the other 1/2
Both great. You can really tell the difference in yeasts.
Tip Top 
by pitpierce
This was my 5th brew and an absolute success. Brewed it august 2013. I found a bottle the other day and it was even better now. Certainly gets better with age.
Looking forward to lots of it this summer.
Thanks for making me look legit! 
by Berlinium
Real Crowd Pleaser. I was going to ramble on, but that would take the focus off this bru.
Excellent crowd pleaser. Serve well chilled. Allow plenty of time to clear. I made with American Ale Yeast (WY1056). Clean, crisp and clear, almost like a light beer with more maltiness.
Brewed for a party, astonishing my girlfriend who 'does not like beer' drank it.
by nngjoen
Brewed and bottled 2day. Already extremely tasteful, would have enjoyed it even w no carbonation.
My future brother-in-law and myself brewed this up for his upcoming wedding. This was our first time using our 10 gallon brewing setup. Very satisfying beer. Far too easy to overindulge on this one. I hope for his sake that some of this survives until his wedding.
Awesome beer! 
by beardedone
I brewed this about 8 days ago. Using the WLP029 as recommended on Brulosophy site. Using his fermentation methods too, works really well after 4 days at 54 I raised temp to 68 for 4 more days. Checked gravity yesterday was at 1.010 which is where it should be for finish. Drank sample and it was delicious! I will check gravity again tomorrow and then crash to 32.
Great Beer, brewed it with US-05 and it came out top notch, did not last very long :-) The next batch will be with the WLP029.
Thanx for sharing.
Great Summer Beer 
by Tarha
Tried my first batch, very refreshing and even inexpensive to brew. Will brew another batch tomorrow to be ready for kicking back on the patio in July. If you haven't tried this and want a beer that goes well with burgers and friends do this one!
Amazing Summer Beer 
by drodg141
Recently upgraded to all grain and tried this as my second ever all grain brew. Turned out amazing; crisp clean and refreshing. Subtly sweet with a balancing hop finish.
Best Brew So Far! 
by caddabby
Just got back in to brewing; I have brewed 5 recipes so far on my E-Biab hybrid system. This is my favorite so far; I will be brewing this again! I over-estimated my grai absorption so I wound up with a rapid boil for 90 minutes to get the volume where I wanted it; not sure if this contributed to my final product or not but it did turn out awesome. I had to lie to my friends and family and tell them the keg had kicked, in order to save some for myself
Solid Blonde Ale 
by rmiranda
I upped my IBU's just a tad and I think it's a bit too biter. However, this really is the best blonde ale I have had, including commercial ones. The yeast makes this. Also, you should ferment this low (58) and let it rise. Read Brulosopher's website. Brulosopher also has great tips in brewing in general.
consistently great 
by Kaapsevlakte
20 Feb 2017.
Brewed this November last year, 50 liter batch, 25 liters with -05 and the other half with K-97. both amazing.
will brew this again tonight with Brother- in -law. wife wants me to brew this for my upcoming anniversary(25years),and she doesn't even drink beer, but when i let her have a sip of mine she said" oh! nice!!"
1St Place 
by BussStop
I brewed 10 gallons of this and entered it in a local contest and took first place. I did not alter the recipe at all. I plan brewing this again this coming week. Cheers!!!!
Nicest i tasted 
by Skogland
Have brewed 2 batches of this, and is even better and more drinkable than my own Centennial Blonde Plus. Everone like this, recommend!
Excellent Blond Ale 
by kriptkeeper
I have brewed this twice now. It starts out with a medium body then the bitterness hits followed up with a smooth finish. This is a great beer that all my friends even like. I fermented in primary for 3 weeks at 56 degrees Fahrenheit then moved to secondary for 2 days at 65 degrees Fahrenheit then dropped down to 35 degrees for 2 weeks and I used gelatin to clarify during the second week. Then put it in the keg and carbonated at 30 psi for 2 days then lowered to serving pressure.
1 st try all grain 
by Hoppscraft
100 % succes. Cascade and galena hops only.fermented for 14 days between 17 and 22 deg celcius. In carboy and airlock.dextrose 7 gr./liter and botteled waiting 14 days in cool storage. Guests asked for more.
Very drinkable 
by Jelly
second brew of this and it is a very nice beer. No too bitterness and a nice interesting taste
Great All-Rounder 
by hopped
Did this for my father-in-laws 70th who isnt much of a hop-headed person. Was a massive hit with all who drunk it, both IPA and lager lovers. Will be repeating very soon as the keg disappeared pretty quick.
Very drinkable! 
by nebule
Merry Xmas to all, brewed this one a few weeks ago. Easy to brew, tastes great. Subtle malt dynamics and a little hop character in the background.. very refreshing. Great for a Kiwi Xmas/Summer! Swapped out the hops for Kiwi ones, Motueka and Nelson Sauvrin, swapped yeast for us-05
Easy Drinker 
by krecha
Awesome beer. Bittered with magnum and swapped the Columbus for Amarillo and used K-97 yeast. Well balanced beer and great for hot Aussie summer days, only problem is the keg gets drunk too fast.
I'm having a tall glass of this beer as I type. Just wish I had made 15 gals vise 5. Will not make that mistake again. Cheers.
Great for Texas Summer 
by jrector
I've been reluctant to make a blonde ale because I didn't want something that taste's like "Bud." After trying a few "craft" blonde ales and some home brewed ones I was convinced this wouldn't be the case. This recipe did not disappoint. A nice blonde ale that I'm proud to share with friends (Even "Bud" drinkers) and enjoy drinking after working in the yard.
Easy and fantastic... 
by sbalovich
I've learned over the years to not deviate too much from Marshall's recipes (I have a hard time not experimenting) so I brewed 10 gallons. The grain bill, hops and schedule was on point with the recipe but 5 gallons got WLP029 and 5 gallons got a nice shot of real cultured heady topper yeast (conan). Both are sublime... the WLP029 is as expected, "Kolschier" and cleaner and the conan is not quite as clean (read a little peachy) but is more characterful and awesome in its own right. This is a beautiful and easy recipe that produces such a drinkable beer. Marshall... you rock!
Excelent Beer 
by FarmHills
I've made this twice now. Taste great. My color ended up a little darker. This is my new favorite.
Awesome Beer 
by mbobeira
I've changed the Columbus for Northen Brewer and used yeast Fermentis US-05. Even with the changes, the beer was awesome.
Pressurised Fermentation 
by karlz
I made 40 litres of this with SG 1.054 using WLP029.
I pressure fermented the entire batch at 19.4C and after 5 days it was at 1.010.
I raised temp for 2 days to 21.0C, and then cold crashed, then kegged.
I tasted it today (14 days after I started) and its very lovely with a hint sweetness(honey), great for an Aussie summer. Recommend.
Im going to try it again using 1/2 US05 and 1/2 WLP029 and see what happens.
Very good beer! 
by danieldpsrj
I've divide my 30L batch in two parts fermenting with US-05 and S-04. I've used columbus and cascade. Wheat malt brought a good foam. The result with US-05 was very good, the taste was clean and malty with poor hop taste. With S-04 was wonderful! fruit notes because ferment combined very well.
Thanks for share the recipe!
House favorite 
by johnbernero
Love this recipe. Have made 4+ batches of this trying different variants. Tried US-05, but didn't love it. Sticking to the Kolsch yeast. I've also subbed Centennial for Cascade and it made a good beer.
by PY5DK
Added lime juice for a shandy effect 
by FSJJunkie
I want to make this again and do a watermelon juice add. This will be on tap for August. Perfect.
Success in Blonde 
by RickyBobbyBrewing
Smooth from the start then slight hop to a nice finish..very drinkable.. will brew again….
One of the best warm weather beers I've ever brewed... or tasted!
by BrulosopherSimple recipe that doesn't require much work. This beer leaves a nice subtle sweetness, yet is dry and refreshing. I can't recommend brewing this beauty more!