Lady Maude
All Grain Recipe
Submitted By: blissiictrl (Shared)
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Brewer: Matt | |
Batch Size: 6.08 gal | Style: Flanders Red Ale (17B) |
Boil Size: 11.90 gal | Style Guide: BJCP 2008 |
Color: 11.0 SRM | Equipment: Crown Urn BIAB 40L |
Bitterness: 0.0 IBUs | Boil Time: 360 min |
Est OG: 1.063 (15.5° P) | Mash Profile: Lambic Mash |
Est FG: 1.011 SG (2.7° P) | Fermentation: Ale, Two Stage |
ABV: 6.9% | Taste Rating: 30.0 |
Amount |
Name |
Type |
# |
4 lbs 13.60 oz |
Pilsen (Dingemans) (1.6 SRM) |
Grain |
1 |
4 lbs 13.60 oz |
Vienna Malt (Weyermann) (3.0 SRM) |
Grain |
2 |
14.11 oz |
Munich I (Weyermann) (7.1 SRM) |
Grain |
3 |
14.11 oz |
Wheat Malt (Barrett Burston) (1.5 SRM) |
Grain |
4 |
7.05 oz |
Aromatic Malt (Dingemans) (19.0 SRM) |
Grain |
5 |
7.05 oz |
Caramunich I (Weyermann) (51.0 SRM) |
Grain |
6 |
7.05 oz |
Special B (Dingemans) (147.5 SRM) |
Grain |
7 |
2.0 pkgs |
Bug Farm (East Coast Yeast #ECY01) |
Yeast |
8 |
1.0 pkgs |
Cream Ale Yeast Blend (White Labs #WLP080) |
Yeast |
9 |
1.0 pkgs |
Farmhouse Sour Ale (The Yeast Bay #YBFSA) |
Yeast |
10 |
1.0 pkgs |
Melange (The Yeast Bay #YBMBB) |
Yeast |
11 |
1.0 pkgs |
Belgian Sour Mix 1 (White Labs #WLP655) |
Yeast |
12 |
28.00 g |
Oak Chips (Secondary 7 days) |
Misc |
13 |
Lambic mashed. Dosed with a vial of bug county, belgian sour mix 1, brett amalgamation, farmhouse sour ale, and melange. Smashed gravity by 11 points.
Primary ferment for 2 weeks, rack into secondary onto medium toasted french oak.
All Belgian/German/French malts where possible.
Fermentation likely up to 18 months.
Mash @ 68C, complete to target gravity. Mash out to 76C. Boil 90, chill to 20C, aerate, pitch two packs.
Ferment @ 20C, until complete. Bottle condition/carbonate.
Pitch Date = 23/08/2015
Couldn't fit all in one carboy. Split off about 3 litres into a small 5l one.
1.5 medium toasted french oak spirals into the big fermenter. 0.5 into small. Blend prior to bottling. 31/08/15.
Target is to blend into one batch, bottle into champagne bottles (both big and small, start drinking sours!!!)
Ideally sample after 31/08/16 and see where it's at.This Recipe Has Not Been Rated