Belgian Strawberry Dubbel v1.0 
All Grain Recipe
Submitted By: aledawg (Shared)
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Brewer: Affenhaus Brauerei | |
Batch Size: 10.00 gal | Style: Belgian Dubbel (18B) |
Boil Size: 12.57 gal | Style Guide: BJCP 2008 |
Color: 15.8 SRM | Equipment: Affenhaus Keggle 10gal + Cooler |
Bitterness: 21.8 IBUs | Boil Time: 60 min |
Est OG: 1.071 (17.4° P) | Mash Profile: Affenhaus - Single Infusion, Light Body, No Mash Out |
Est FG: 1.011 SG (2.7° P) | Fermentation: My Aging Profile |
ABV: 8.0% | Taste Rating: 0.0 |
Amount |
Name |
Type |
# |
23 lbs |
Pale Ale Malt 2-Row (Briess) (3.5 SRM) |
Grain |
1 |
1 lbs |
Munich Malt (9.0 SRM) |
Grain |
2 |
8.00 oz |
Aromatic Malt (26.0 SRM) |
Grain |
3 |
8.00 oz |
Special B Malt (180.0 SRM) |
Grain |
4 |
2 lbs |
Candi Sugar, Amber (75.0 SRM) |
Sugar |
5 |
3.00 oz |
Styrian Goldings [3.6%] - Boil 60 min |
Hops |
6 |
1.50 oz |
Hallertauer Hersbrucker [2.8%] - Boil 20 min |
Hops |
7 |
2.00 items |
Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 15 min) |
Misc |
8 |
1.50 oz |
Hallertauer Hersbrucker [2.8%] - Boil 5 min |
Hops |
9 |
2.0 pkgs |
Abbey Ale (White Labs #WLP530) |
Yeast |
10 |
2.50 lbs |
Strawberries (Secondary 3 weeks) |
Misc |
11 |
1/23: Everyting went according to plan, hit target OG with a bit to spare (70+% efficiency)
1/24: Had prepared 2L starter of Abbey Ale yeast, which had the beer at full krausen in 12 hours.
1/28: Sustained, strong fermentation for the first 4-5 days; tried removing tube and putting airlock back, but there was still foam
1/30: Placed airlocks back on, steady but slow bubbling (1 per 5-10 seconds)
1/31: SG at 1.028-30, which is too high. Roused yeast and will crank up temp for a few days
2/2: Measured SG to 1.020, and took Joe's advice and racked to secondary. Mashed up 2.5lbs of strawberries @ 180F and placed in one carboy. Will leave for 11 days and then rack to another carboy before letting age and clear
2/3: Fermentation continues. Had to fit a blow-off tube for the Strawberry (looks pale and ugly, floating on top)
2/14: Drew samples after 11 days in secondary. Temperature has been fairly stable @ 65, except for 1 day when it went up to 68 and then down to 60F for 2 days
* Regular: SG 1.016, tastes/smells like a Dubbel
* Strawberry: Definite presence of strawberries and peaches, no off flavor from fruit. However, an "alcoholic" aroma and taste that needs to be investigated. 20 minutes later, seems ok. Will blend the two in the keg
2/25: Finally getting around to bottling/kegging
* Regular: SG 1.018 - a bit higher due to not having fruit to finish off
* Strawberry: SG 1.014
The blended SG should therefore be 1.016This Recipe Has Not Been Rated