Beer Ops Undercover Blonde.4- (Final)
All Grain Recipe
Submitted By: jlammle (Shared)
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Brewer: McMore | |
Batch Size: 15.00 gal | Style: Belgian Blond Ale (18A) |
Boil Size: 18.64 gal | Style Guide: BJCP 2008 |
Color: 6.7 SRM | Equipment: Beer Ops Brewery |
Bitterness: 18.9 IBUs | Boil Time: 60 min |
Est OG: 1.059 (14.5° P) | Mash Profile: Temperature Mash, 1 Step, Medium Body |
Est FG: 1.011 SG (2.8° P) | Fermentation: Ale, Two Stage |
ABV: 6.3% | Taste Rating: 30.0 |
Amount |
Name |
Type |
# |
30.00 g |
Gypsum (Calcium Sulfate) (Mash 60 min) |
Misc |
1 |
9.00 tbsp |
PH 5.2 Stabilizer (Mash 60 min) |
Misc |
2 |
30 lbs 11.52 oz |
Pilsner (2 Row) Ger (2.0 SRM) |
Grain |
3 |
1 lbs 12.35 oz |
German Munich Malt - 10L (10.0 SRM) |
Grain |
4 |
1 lbs 8.81 oz |
Corn, Flaked (1.3 SRM) |
Grain |
5 |
1 lbs 7.68 oz |
Belgian Biscuit Malt (23.0 SRM) |
Grain |
6 |
1 lbs 3.04 oz |
Caravienne Malt (22.0 SRM) |
Grain |
7 |
2.29 oz |
German Hallertauer [4.3%] - Boil 60 min |
Hops |
8 |
2.02 oz |
Styrian Goldings [3.2%] - Boil 20 min |
Hops |
9 |
6.00 tsp |
Irish Moss (Boil 15 min) |
Misc |
10 |
2.00 oz |
Styrian Goldings [3.2%] - Boil 10 min |
Hops |
11 |
4.0 pkgs |
Belgian Golden Ale (White Labs #WLP570) |
Yeast |
12 |
2.0 pkgs |
Belgian Flanders Golden (Wyeast #3739) |
Yeast |
13 |
4.50 tsp |
Gelatin (Secondary 5 hours) |
Misc |
14 |
Replace with updated .4 Ops
10 days before brew day:
order ingredients.
1. Inspection, Yeast Evaluation and Starter.
Store yeast in frig.
3 days before brew day:
Yeast Starter:
With Wyeast, smack the pack, set out at room temperature and allow to swell 1 day before adding to starter.
With WhiteLabs Bottle yeast, Two days before brewing, just pour into carafes after wort has cooled to at least 78 degrees or below.
Prepare 3 large sanitized flasks of yeast starter [bring DME and sanitizer]. Samitize carafes and airlocks with stoppers.
8 oz of Plain Light Malt in each of two 2 Liters carafes. Heat 2 Liters of water to boil, then mix in 8 oz of malt.
Let boil for 5-10 min, then set aside and cool below 78 degrees. After cool to 78 degrees, Add 2 bottles of yeast to each 2 Liter carafe. After the starter has cooled, aerate starter and add yeast to separate, labeled flasks two days before brewing, with air locks on each.
Let yeast work for 24 - 36 hours prior to using in fermentor with wort.
Brew Day:
2. Cleaning and Sanitation. Be sure to inspect all equipment for any debris or film. Clean the one primary fermenter and FermOps with cleaning solution, and the spinning drill attachment. Follow with rinse by clean water. Soak smaller equipment in sanitizer. Run near boiling water through entire system, to clean and check operations.
3. HLT Water.
Fill HLT and add 2 crushed campden tablets, and 3 tbs PH Stabilizer.
Heat full HLT to 162 degrees, for initial mash tun fill of 12.43gallons. After initial fill of mash tun, heat HLT to 168 degrees, for use to raise mash temperature and sparge.
4. Crush.
Mix grains and pre-crush. Maintain in an airtight container.
Measure hops.
5. Mash.
Fill mash tun with 12.43gallons of 162 degree water, to stabilize mash at 151 degrees.
Stir in grain. Maintain water level at ~1 – 2 inches
spinning drill attachment. Follow with rinse by clean water. Soak smaller equipment in sanitizer. Run near boiling water through entire system, to clean and check operations.
3. HLT Water.
Fill HLT and add 2 crushed campden tablets, and 3 tbs PH Stabilizer.
Heat full HLT to 162 degrees, for initial mash tun fill of 12.43gallons. After initial fill of mash tun, heat HLT to 168 degrees, for use to raise mash temperature and sparge.
4. Crush.
Mix grains and pre-crush. Maintain in an airtight container.
Measure hops.
5. Mash.
Fill mash tun with 12.43gallons of 162 degree water, to stabilize mash at 151 degrees.
Stir in grain. Maintain water level at ~1 – 2 inches above grain.
Hold for 90 minutes. After 75 minutes, use iodine test to confirm conversion.
Raise mash to 168 degrees for 7 minutes by circulating through HLT.
Add 1 crushed campden tablet to HLT.
6. Sparge. Sparge with 11.6 gallons of 168 degree water. Slowly meter outflow and inflow. After sparging, check OG in kettle, and recirculate as necessary to get to target OG.
7. The Boil.
Install hop blocker with cover down.
Transfer wort to kettle and top up to 18.6 gallons from HLT.
Bring to a boil (60 minutes). Add hops (1).
After 40 minutes, add hops (2).
After 45 minutes, add 6 tsp Irish Moss and 3# sugar.
After 50 minutes add hops (3).
After 60 minutes, whirlpool for several minutes and, once settled, raise hop blocker cover.
8. Cooling and Aerating the Wort.
Pump wort through plate chiller to 1 separate 6.5 gallon fermenter and 10 gallons to the FermOps, cooling to
63 degrees before aerating.
Take OG.
Sanitize the oxygen stone by boiling in clean water for 5 minutes. Aerate the wort with the oxygen bottle and stone. Apply oxygen in four 15 seconds blasts, just enough to create fine fizzing bubbles on the surface.
Pitch yeast. Pitch Abbey II into 6.5 g. fermenter and Belgian Golden into FermOps, and label each.
Fill the airlock on the 6.5 g. fermenter to the marked line with sanitized water, attach purple carboy cap and airlock into the fermenter; tighten FermOps pressure value mostly, and add blow off tube to each.
9. Fermentation.
Ferment at 65 degrees for 14 days.
After 14th day, move Flanders Golden to secondary.
After 14th day, drain bottom of FermOps of yeast and hotbreak.
In secondary , add 1.5 tbs gelatin finings, and in FermOps, add 3 tbs gelatin finings. Condition at 65 degrees for 7 days, then bottle.
10. Bottling.
Sanitize and rinse the bottles and hang on drying tree.
For Abbey II, heat 1 1/3rd cups of water in sauce pan on stove and add 3.9 oz. of corn sugar. Bring the solution to a slow boil for 5 minutes, then cover with a sanitized lid and let cool.
For Belgian Golden, heat 2/3rds cup of water in sauce pan on stove and add 7.8 oz of corn sugar. Bring the solution to a slow boil for 5 minutes, then cover with a sanitized lid and let cool.
Sanitize bottling bucket, spigot, tubing, bottle filler and caps. Add the syrup for that beer to the bottling bucket, then siphon beer from the first fermenter to the bottling bucket. Fill the bottles from spigot, using tubing from spigot to bottle filler. Cap bottles; note small and large caps and cappers for each. Mark bottles based on yeast used, i.e Belgian Golden or Abbey II.
Repeat for second fermenter.
Alternatively, sanitize keg and keg ½ of Belgian Golden, carbonate at ~12.5#.
Store bottled beer in a 60-70 degree, dark place for 3 weeks.
Hydrometer reading adjustment:
At 70 degrees, reduce reading .001;
at 80 degrees, reduce .002;
at 90 degrees, reduce .0045.
Beer Ops Ops
Head Brewer: ChristVey
Beer: Undercover Blonde .4 – Belgian Blond Ale
Brew Date: 10/30/13 – bottled ______/13, drinkable ________/13
Recipe for 15 gallons, all grain
OG: 1.059 (actual _____)
FG: 1.012 (actual Belgian Golden 1.0__, Flanders Golden 1.0__)
IBUs: 18.9
ABV: 6.2%
SRM: 6.7
Grain (.054 mill gap)
30# 11.5 oz German 2 row Pilsner malt, 2 SRM
1# 12.4 oz German Munich malt 10L/SRM
1# 7.7 oz Belgian Biscuit malt, 23 SRM
1# 6.9 oz Flaked Maize, 1.3 SRM
1# 3 oz Belgian Caravienne malt, 22 SRM
(1) 2.29 oz German Hallertau pellets 4.3% aa at 60 minutes
(2) 2.00 oz Styrian Goldings pellets 3.2% aa at 20 minutes
(3) 2.00 oz Styrian Goldings pellets, 3.2 aa at 10 minutes
2 p Belgian Flanders Golden Wyeast 3739 (replace with WLP570 if out of stock)
4 p Belgian Golden Ale yeast, White Labs WLP570
(possible alternates: Abbey II Ale yeast, Wyeast 1762, saison yeast, White Labs WLP 500 (Trappist Ale) or Wyeast 1214 (Belgian Ale)
2.5 # table sugar (15 mins.)
3 crushed Campden tables
6 tsp Irish Moss (15 mins.)
3 tbs Ph Balancer (in HLT before mash fill)
30 g gypsum (mash)
4.5 tsp gelatin finings (in secondary)
1. Inspection and Yeast Evaluation.
Store yeast in frig.
With Wyeast, smack the pack, set out at room temperature and allow to swell 1 day before adding to starter.
Three days before brewing, prepare 3 2L sanitized flasks of yeast starter [bring DME and sanitizer].
After the starter has cooled, aerate starter and add yeast to separate, labeled flasks two days before brewing, with air locks on each.
2. Cleaning and Sanitation. Be sure to inspect all equipment for any debris or film. Clean the one primary fermenter and FermOps with cleaning solution, and the spinning drill attachment. Follow with rinse by clean water. Soak smaller equipment in sanitizer. Run near boiling water through entire system, to clean and check operations.
3. HLT Water.
Fill HLT and add 2 crushed campden tablets, and 3 tbs PH Stabilizer.
Heat full HLT to 162 degrees, for initial mash tun fill of 12.43gallons. After initial fill of mash tun, heat HLT to 175 degrees, for use to raise mash temperature and sparge.
4. Crush.
Mix grains and pre-crush. Maintain in an airtight container.
Measure hops.
5. Mash.
Fill mash tun with 12.43gallons of 162 degree water, to stabilize mash at 151 degrees.
Stir in grain. Maintain water level at ~1 – 2 inches above grain.
Hold for 90 minutes. After 75 minutes, use iodine test to confirm conversion.
Once conversion is confirmed, recirculate with goal to raise mash to 168 degrees for 7 minutes by circulating through HLT.
Add 1 crushed campden tablet to HLT and reduce HLT to 168 degrees, with cold water if necessary.
6. Sparge. Sparge with 11.6 gallons of 168 degree water. Slowly meter outflow and inflow. After sparging, check OG in kettle, and recirculate as necessary to get to target OG.
7. The Boil.
Install hop blocker with cover down.
Transfer wort to kettle and top up to 18.6 gallons from HLT.
Bring to a boil (60 minutes). Add hops (1).
After 40 minutes of boil, add hops (2).
After 45 minutes of boil, add 6 tsp Irish Moss and 2.5 # sugar.
After 50 minutes of boil add hops (3).
After 60 minutes of boil, flame off and whirlpool for several minutes.
Once the hops have settled, raise hop blocker cover.
8. Cooling and Aerating the Wort.
Pump wort through plate chiller to 1 separate 6.5 gallon fermenter and 10 gallons to the FermOps, cooling to 63 degrees before aerating.
Take OG.
Sanitize the oxygen stone by boiling in clean water for 5 minutes. Aerate the wort with the oxygen bottle and stone. Apply oxygen in four 15 seconds blasts, just enough to create fine fizzing bubbles on the surface.
Pitch yeast. Pitch Flanders Golden into 6.5 g. fermenter and Belgian Golden into FermOps, and label each.
Fill the airlock on the 6.5 g. fermenter to the marked line with sanitized water, attach purple carboy cap and airlock into the fermenter; tighten FermOps pressure value mostly, and add blow off tube to each, with sanitized water in bucket.
9. Fermentation.
Ferment at 65 degrees for 14 days.
After 14th day, move Flanders Golden to secondary.
After 14th day, drain bottom of FermOps of yeast and hotbreak.
In secondary , add 1.5 tbs gelatin finings, and in FermOps, add 3 tbs gelatin finings. Condition at 65 degrees for 7 days, then bottle.
10. Bottling.
Sanitize and rinse the bottles and hang on drying tree.
For Flanders Golden, heat 1 1/3rd cups of water in sauce pan on stove and add 3.9 oz. of corn sugar. Bring the solution to a slow boil for 5 minutes, then cover with a sanitized lid and let cool.
For Belgian Golden, heat 2/3rds cup of water in sauce pan on stove and add 7.8 oz of corn sugar. Bring the solution to a slow boil for 5 minutes, then cover with a sanitized lid and let cool.
Sanitize bottling bucket, spigot, tubing, bottle filler and caps. Add the syrup for that beer to the bottling bucket, then siphon beer from the first fermenter to the bottling bucket. Fill the bottles from spigot, using tubing from spigot to bottle filler. Cap bottles; note small and large caps and cappers for each. Mark bottles based on yeast used, i.e Belgian Golden or Flanders Golden.
Repeat for second fermenter.
Alternatively, sanitize keg and keg ½ of Belgian Golden, carbonate at ~12.5# (no bottling sugar for this beer).
Store bottled beer in a 60-70 degree, dark place for 3 weeks.
Hydrometer reading adjustment:
At 70 degrees, reduce reading .001;
at 80 degrees, reduce .002;
at 90 degrees, reduce .0045.
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