The Nightmare Before Oktoberfest
Extract Recipe
Submitted By: dmstearman (Shared)
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Brewer: Marc Stearman | |
Batch Size: 5.25 gal | Style: Oktoberfest/Märzen ( 3B) |
Boil Size: 5.96 gal | Style Guide: BJCP 2008 |
Color: 12.3 SRM | Equipment: Marc's Equipment |
Bitterness: 22.4 IBUs | Boil Time: 60 min |
Est OG: 1.052 (12.9° P) | |
Est FG: 1.013 SG (3.3° P) | Fermentation: Ale, Two Stage |
ABV: 5.2% | Taste Rating: 30.0 |
Amount |
Name |
Type |
# |
1 lbs |
Cara-Pils/Dextrine (2.0 SRM) |
Grain |
1 |
1 lbs |
Caramel/Crystal Malt - 20L (20.0 SRM) |
Grain |
2 |
8.00 oz |
Caramel/Crystal Malt - 60L (60.0 SRM) |
Grain |
3 |
3 lbs |
Amber Dry Extract (12.5 SRM) |
Dry Extract |
4 |
3 lbs |
Light Dry Extract (8.0 SRM) |
Dry Extract |
5 |
1.00 oz |
Hallertauer [4.0%] - Boil 60 min |
Hops |
6 |
1.00 oz |
Hallertauer [4.0%] - Boil 15 min |
Hops |
7 |
1.00 oz |
Saaz [4.0%] - Boil 0 min |
Hops |
8 |
1.0 pkgs |
Octoberfest Lager Blend (Wyeast Labs #2633) |
Yeast |
9 |
The fermentation starts out at 45° F because Wyeast 2124 (Bohemian lager, the yeast this recipe calls for) works really well at this temperature. The fermentation program for Oktoberfest mirrors the maibock and pilsner programs. Ferment at 45° F for the first three days, raise to 50° F over four more days, and then transfer to secondary. Ferment in secondary for one more week at 50° F. When the gravity is 1.016 to 1.018 (4° to 4.5° Plato), drop the temperature to 40° F to help clear the beer and slow the yeast activity. The final gravity for the Oktoberfest should be 1.014 (3.5° Plato). Bottle condition at 40° F for three to four weeks.
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