Chocolate Alchemy Inspiration 
All Grain Recipe
Submitted By: vkrishan (Shared)
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Brewer: Vinnie Krishan | |
Batch Size: 5.50 gal | Style: American Stout (20B) |
Boil Size: 7.44 gal | Style Guide: BJCP 2015 |
Color: 39.5 SRM | Equipment: Ss Brewtech All Grain Kit (Direct Fire) - 10 Gal Batch |
Bitterness: 45.0 IBUs | Boil Time: 60 min |
Est OG: 1.064 (15.7° P) | Mash Profile: Single Infusion, Medium Body, No Mash Out |
Est FG: 1.016 SG (4.1° P) | Fermentation: Ale, Two Stage |
ABV: 6.4% | Taste Rating: 30.0 |
Amount |
Name |
Type |
# |
8.89 gal |
Black Full (Over 31 SRM) |
Water |
1 |
10 lbs |
Brewers Malt 2-Row (Briess) (2.1 SRM) |
Grain |
2 |
8.00 oz |
Chocolate Malt (Bairds) (500.0 SRM) |
Grain |
3 |
8.00 oz |
Low Colour Chocolate Malt (Crisp) (279.2 SRM) |
Grain |
4 |
8.00 oz |
Oats, Flaked (1.0 SRM) |
Grain |
5 |
8.00 oz |
Roasted Barley (Bairds) (600.0 SRM) |
Grain |
6 |
8.00 oz |
Cacao Nibs (Mash 5 min) |
Misc |
7 |
1.00 oz |
Magnum [15.0%] - Boil 60 min |
Hops |
8 |
12.00 oz |
Cacao Nibs (Boil 20 min) |
Misc |
9 |
2.0 pkgs |
Irish Ale (Wyeast Labs #1084) |
Yeast |
10 |
12.00 oz |
Cacao Nibs (Secondary 5 min) |
Misc |
11 |
Do not add the nibs directly to the boil. put them in a hop spider else your pump will get clogged.
Chocolate nibs from chocolate Alchemy - their brewers blend.
For the secondary chocolate addition, add 8-10oz of nibs to 12oz of 100 proof Vodka. Also add 4 guajillo and 2 ancho chillies (deseeded) with 1 vanilla bean (All chopped). Steep in a dark place for 7 days, strain and add to keg before racking beer off primary into keg.
Dates - Brewed 8/10/24
Cold crash starts on 8/21
Secondary spice steeping from 8/15 to 8/22, add to keg and CO2 purge on 8/22
Keg on 8/23
Age for 1 month minimum at 55F, Tap on 9/23This Recipe Has Not Been Rated