HopZenWeisse Motueka (2014)
All Grain Recipe
Submitted By: sjareb (Shared)
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Brewer: Steven Jareb | |
Batch Size: 10.00 gal | Style: Weizenbock (15C) |
Boil Size: 13.46 gal | Style Guide: BJCP 2008 |
Color: 6.3 SRM | Equipment: Mini Brew Brew Kart |
Bitterness: 56.6 IBUs | Boil Time: 60 min |
Est OG: 1.082 (19.7° P) | Mash Profile: Decoction Mash, Single |
Est FG: 1.017 SG (4.3° P) | Fermentation: Ale, Two Stage |
ABV: 8.6% | Taste Rating: 30.0 |
Amount |
Name |
Type |
# |
11.00 gal |
Distilled Water (Mash) |
Water |
1 |
4.50 gal |
Distilled Water (Sparge) |
Water |
2 |
3.00 gal |
Fullerton Groundwater (Mash) |
Water |
3 |
11.00 g |
Gypsum (Calcium Sulfate) (Mash 60 min) |
Misc |
4 |
10.00 g |
Calcium Chloride (Mash 60 min) |
Misc |
5 |
8.00 ml |
Lactic Acid (Mash 60 min) |
Misc |
6 |
1 lbs |
Rice Hulls (0.0 SRM) |
Adjunct |
7 |
16 lbs |
Wheat Malt, Pale (Weyermann) (2.0 SRM) |
Grain |
8 |
13 lbs |
Pilsner (2 Row) Ger (2.0 SRM) |
Grain |
9 |
1 lbs 8.00 oz |
Munich Malt (9.0 SRM) |
Grain |
10 |
1 lbs 8.00 oz |
Vienna Malt (Weyermann) (3.0 SRM) |
Grain |
11 |
1 lbs |
Wheat, Flaked (2.0 SRM) |
Grain |
12 |
8.00 oz |
Melanoiden Malt (30.0 SRM) |
Grain |
13 |
2.00 oz |
Motueka [7.2%] - First Wort |
Hops |
14 |
1.00 oz |
Hallertau Magnum [15.2%] - Boil 60 min |
Hops |
15 |
2.00 oz |
Motueka [7.2%] - Boil 25 min |
Hops |
16 |
12.00 tsp |
Yeast Nutrient (Boil 10 min) |
Misc |
17 |
6.00 oz |
Motueka [7.2%] - Boil 0 min |
Hops |
18 |
3.0 pkgs |
Bavarian Weizen Yeast (White Labs #WLP351) |
Yeast |
19 |
8.00 oz |
Motueka [7.2%] - Dry Hop 7 days |
Hops |
20 |
04/24/14: Prepared 2 1800ml yeast starters each with 2 vials of WLP351 (Dated 06/17/14), 180g of DME each and 1/2 tsp of fermax each. Each placed on a stir plate.
04/25/14: Placed starters in chest freezer to cold crash.
04/26/14 - Brewday.
Mash: Mashed in at 130F. Rested for 30min. Decocted 4 gallons of thick portion of mash (to boil). Added back to mash. Overshot slightly (added small amount of room temp RO water). Rested at 151F for 40 minutes. After 40min mash iodine test failed. Decocted 3 gallons to get mash temp back above 150. Got to 152F. Held for another 30 minutes. Iodine test failed. Checked mash PH. PH at 5.4. Gravity (first runnings) at 1.080. Moved forward to vorlauf and sparge. Skipped mash out.
Sparge: 45min collected 14 gallons of wort.
Boil: 60 min. No whirlfloc. Added 12tsp of fermax and one capusle of servo.
Post Boil: 20min hot whirlpool. 40min whirlpool while chilling. Chilled to 65F.
Pitching: Decanted down to 1300ml of starter per flask (2600ml starter wort remaining in total). Placed on stir plate to break up yeast cake and warm up starter. O2 for 1min. Set controller to 63F.
Positive CO2 pressure (just starting).
04/27/14: 65F.
AM:Positive CO2 pressure (picking up)
PM: Positive CO2 pressure (faster). Begin high krausen.
04/28/14: 65F.
AM: High Krausen Positive CO2 pressure (picking up)
PM: Positive CO2 pressure (picking up)
04/29/14 - 05/01/14. 65F let free rise to 67F. Positive CO2 pressure (slowing).
05/02/14: taken out of fermentation chamber and left at ambient temps (wrapped in a towel).
05/09/14: added 4oz dry hop to primary at the end of fermentation.
05/18/14 - racked to secondary. FG 1.011.
05/19/14 - added 6oz dry hop to secondary.
05/29/14: kegged. FG 1.011This Recipe Has Not Been Rated