Sweet Clover Traditional

Mead Recipe

Submitted By: mjs566 (Shared)
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Brewer: Great Auk
Batch Size: 0.80 galStyle: Semi-Sweet Mead (24B)
Boil Size: 0.83 galStyle Guide: BJCP 2008
Color: White2Equipment: Mead - Micro 1 Gal/4 l Batch
Bitterness: 0.0 IBUsBoil Time: 60 min
Est OG: 1.125 (29.2° P)Mash Profile: Single Infusion, Light Body, No Mash Out
Est FG: 1.014 SG (3.5° P)Fermentation: Mead, Three Stage, Standard
ABV: 15.2%Taste Rating: 30.0

Amount Name Type #
0.59 gal My water Water 1
2 lbs 4.00 oz Honey - Clover [Primary] (4.0 SRM) Honey 2
6.50 oz Honey - Clover [Primary] (4.0 SRM) Honey 3
6.25 g GoFerm (Primary 0 min) Misc 4
0.84 g Opti-White (Primary 0 min) Misc 5
1.0 pkgs Lalvin - K1V-1116 (Lallemand - Lalvin #K1V-1116) Yeast 6
1.05 g Fermaid O (Primary 1 days) Misc 7
0.84 g FT Blanc Soft (Primary 1 days) Misc 8
0.34 tsp Bentonite (Primary 2 days) Misc 9
1.05 g Fermaid O (Primary 2 days) Misc 10
1.05 g Fermaid O (Primary 3 days) Misc 11
1.05 g Fermaid O (Primary 7 days) Misc 12


Note on Sanitation: - 5 ml of StarSan will be provided. Mix with about one gallon of water to create santiation solution. All utensils going into the mead should be santized. Terms: - Fermenter: vessel where fermentation occurs - Pitch: add yeast to a solution - Sanitation: a process using a solution in which utensils or vessels are set in to kill off all bacteria - Primary fermentation: the first stage of fermentations where yeast actively converts sugars to alcohol and CO2 - Secondary fermentation: the second stage of fermentation where the mead is transferred off the yeast and other particles that have settled out - Lees: sediment that settles out after primary fermentation Preparation: - Fermenting vessels will be provided clean - Honey will be added to the primary fermenter - Add half a gallon of water on top, mix until honey is mostly dissolved - Add Opti-White to must - If the temperature of must is between 60-80 deg F, mix GoFerm with half a cup of hot water o Once temp is below 100 deg F, pitch (add) yeast into the GoFerm solution o Wait 30 minutes before adding to the must - Set the fermenter in a dark place between 60 and 70 degrees F o The cooler the temperature, the slower fermentation will progress o Place a pan underneath incase of overly agressive fermentation Once fermentation has begun, proceed. o Fermentation can be recognized by the formation of a krausen (head) on the must Day 1: - Mix the FT Blanc/Fermaid O into the minimal amount of water - Add to the must Day 2: - Mix Fermaid O and Bentonite into the minimal amount of water (may need heated) Day 3: - Mix the Fermaid O into the minimal amount of water Day 4-7: - Mix the Fermaid O into the minimal amount of water Day 28-42 - Once fermentation gets near the end, transfer off the lees into the vessel for secondary fermentation - Pitch chemicals to stabilize the mead +1 day - Add honey to backsweeten mead Wait another at least another week to 1 month (if not more) for mead to settle out - Bottle

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