Ode to Todd #01

All Grain Recipe

Submitted By: metron-brewer (Shared)
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Brewer: Ron
Batch Size: 5.50 galStyle: Double IPA (22A)
Boil Size: 9.31 galStyle Guide: BJCP 2015
Color: 4.5 SRMEquipment: Ron's Equipment (20 Gallon SS Brewtech)
Bitterness: 81.0 IBUsBoil Time: 60 min
Est OG: 1.070 (17.0° P)Mash Profile: Single Infusion, Medium Body, Batch Sparge
Est FG: 1.016 SG (4.1° P)Fermentation: My Aging Profile
ABV: 7.2%Taste Rating: 30.0

Amount Name Type #
12.10 gal Bilotta 2018-01-28 Brewhouse Water 1
11.50 g Gypsum (Calcium Sulfate) (Mash 60 min) Misc 2
6.10 g Calcium Chloride (Mash 60 min) Misc 3
17 lbs Golden Promise (Simpsons) (2.2 SRM) Grain 4
1.75 oz Warrior 2018-07-13 [15.4%] - Boil 60 min Hops 5
1.00 items Immersion Chiller/Pump (Boil 15 min) Misc 6
0.50 tsp Yeast Nutrient (Boil 10 min) Misc 7
0.50 items Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 5 min) Misc 8
2.00 oz Citra 2020-05-22 [12.5%] - Boil 5 min Hops 9
1.00 oz Mosaic 2019-03-06 [10.1%] - Boil 5 min Hops 10
2.00 oz Citra 2020-05-22 [12.5%] - Boil 0 min Hops 11
1.00 oz Mosaic 2019-03-06 [10.1%] - Boil 0 min Hops 12
2.0 pkgs Dry English Ale (White Labs #WLP007) Yeast 13
2.00 oz Citra 2020-05-22 [12.5%] - Dry Hop 14 days Hops 14
2.00 oz Citra 2020-05-22 [12.5%] - Dry Hop 7 days Hops 15
1.20 oz Mosaic 2017-04-10 [11.0%] - Dry Hop 7 days Hops 16
1.00 oz Mosaic 2019-03-06 [10.1%] - Dry Hop 14 days Hops 17

Taste Notes

07-30-2020 Batch #1 Definate problem with this batch. One keg undrinkable, one keg was ok but was dull and lost all the fresh hoppiness. Slight metalic flavor. This batch tasted pretty good going into the kegs and I was pretty excited about it. Kegged in the (2) three gallon kegs so I'm not sure if there may have been an issue with the kegs or with the transfer hose when kegging. All cold side hoses will be discarded for new ones. Per Jim: "Ron the Axe Man missed the bitter hit at the beginning of the sip, nailed the middle of the tongue and on the good keg it was blah and on the bad keg it was wrong".


Per Surly Website: 100% Golden Promise, Citra and Mosaic Hops, English Ale Yeast, OG 16 Plato (1.065), ABV 7.2%, Straw Gold, Low IBU 05-24-2020 Adjusted to current inventory, dropped BH Efficiency from 65% to 60%, Trub Loss from 1.25 to 2.00 05-30-2020 BREW DAY BATCH #214 Adjusted Hops to actual on hand inventory, did not make any adjustments for IBU. Original IBU was 81.4, adjusted is 81.0. Readjusted Mill gap to .040 on the side towards the motor, it seemed to be just a hair bigger than the other side. Also forgot to add the 2.4 mL of Lactic top the Sparge, did not need it anyway. BrunWater target 152 ppm Sulfate, 97 ppm Chloride, pH 5.51. Actual pH measured 5.30. Sparge salt additions added to mash, 11.50 Gypsum, 6.05 CaCl, .75 mL Lactic. 05-31-2020 7:00 AM No kreasen but positive pressure, 10:10 AM Starting to foam up a little. 1:30 PM Nice bright white kreasen, some airlock activity, Tilt checks 1.052 06-03-2020 Kreasen fell, airlock slowed/stopped 06-04-2020 6:15 AM Tilt 1.018 06-04-2020 I Ended up with an extra .75 Gallons or so preboil. Just discovered that the "Mash Tun Deadspace" was entered as non-recoverable. It should have been changed to "Recoverable". I changed it on the recipe so it would be correct in case I copy this for a rebrew. So the water volume in this recipe does not match what was printed out for brew day. 06-02-2020 11:10 AM REMOVED INVENTORY 06-07-2020 10:30 AM Tilt 1.015, added dry hop #1 06-14-2020 1:00 PM Red Tilt 1.013, added dry hop #2 06-24-2020 1:30 PM KEgged into (2) 3 gallon kegs to bring to Jims. Tilt Checks 1.008, Glass Hydro checks 1.0095, 5.50 gallons in fermentor. Estimate 2.50 into each with .50 left in Fermentor. I think one may have gotten a bit more maybe 2.75 but calling it 5.00 overall. Carbonated at room temperature in the brewhouse. 07-10-2020 Cracked first keg at Jims, seems off a bit. Lost all the fresh hoppiness, almost seems to have a slight metalic flavor. Second keg tasted much better. Not sure if I picked up something in the one keg or what. Ode to Todd 05-30-2020 * STEP TIME READING STRIKE WATER TEMP 7:39 AM 171.000 INITIAL MASH TUN TEMP 7:39 AM 178.000 MASH TUN TEMP ADJUSTMENTS 7:55 AM 168.500 8:02 Added 6 ice cubes MASH TUN TEMP ADJUSTMENTS 8:03 AM 165.500 Added 6 more ice cubes MASH TUN TEMP ADJUSTMENTS 8:07 AM 163.600 Added 6 more ice cubes MASH TUN TEMP ADJUSTMENTS 8:11 AM 161.200 8:15 AM 160.500 DOUGH IN TEMP 8:17 AM 160.500 INITIAL MASH TEMP AT DOUGH IN 8:22 AM 151.700 8:23 AM Begin Recirculating INITIAL MASH TEMP 8:24 AM 151.200 SP 152.0 INITIAL MASH PH & TEMPERATURE 8:24 AM 5.300 74.000 MASH SALT/ACID ADDITIONS 8:35 AM Recirculation Stuck MASH SALT/ACID ADDITIONS 8:53 AM Switched to Manifold MASH SALT/ACID ADDITIONS FINAL MASH TEMP 8:24 AM 152.000 FINAL MASH PH 8:24 AM 5.300 74.000 ENDING MASH TEMP 9:25 AM 151.900 ENDING MASH PH & TEMPERATURE 9:28 AM 5.280 76.300 Sample pulled at 9:20 BEGIN FIRST RUNNINGS 9:26 AM FIRST RUNNINGS VOLUME 9:30 AM 4.500 FIRST RUNNING S.G. 9:38 AM 1.077 FIRST RUNNINGS PH & TEMPERATURE 9:40 AM 5.360 69.300 SPARGE WATER TEMP 9:32 AM 168.000 SPARGE MASH TUN TEMP 9:36 AM 173.800 TUN, RIMS checks 153.3. 9:38 TUN 167.3 ENDING SPARGE MASH TUN TEMP 9:41 AM 164.000 ENDING SPARGE PH & TEMPERATURE 9:41 AM 5.530 77.800 Read at 9:45 BEGIN SECOND RUNNINGS 9:44 AM 168.200 END OF SECOND RUNNINGS VOLUME 9:48 AM 9.300 9.500 END OF SECOND RUNNING S.G. 9:53 AM 1.031 END OF SECOND RUNNINGS PH & TEMP 9:55 AM 5.550 76.600 BOIL KETTLE HEAT TURNED ON 9:48 AM INITIAL BOIL VOLUME 9:48 AM 9.300 9.500 INITIAL BOIL VOLUME S.G. INITIAL BOIL VOLUME PH & TEMP INITIAL BOIL STARTING TIME 10:09 AM BOIL VOLUME ADDITION/ELEMENT POWER 9:51 AM 0.500 From TUN BOIL VOLUME ADDITION/ELEMENT POWER 9:57 AM 0.250 From RIMS BOIL VOLUME ADDITION/ELEMENT POWER 10:12 AM Element at 75% BOIL VOLUME ADDITION/ELEMENT POWER Element at 78% BOIL VOLUME ADDITION/ELEMENT POWER 10:49 AM Element at 79% 10:19 AM 0.250 From TUN, not added to BK Ode to Todd 05-30-2020 * STEP TIME READING TOTAL BOIL VOLUME 10:02 AM 10.250 TOTAL BOIL S.G. 10:04 AM 1.049 TOTAL BOIL PH & TEMPERATURE 10:16 AM 5.450 60.800 BOIL TIMER STARTED 10:15 AM BOIL ENDS 11:15 AM POST BOIL VOLUME (HOT) 11:15 AM 8.500 POST BOIL CHILLING PROGRESS 11:17 AM 180.000 Added Flameout hops POST BOIL CHILLING PROGRESS 11:19 AM 150.000 POST BOIL CHILLING PROGRESS 11:26 AM 98.000 POST BOIL CHILLING PROGRESS 11:30 AM 83.000 POST BOIL CHILLING PROGRESS 11:33 AM 75.000 POST BOIL CHILLING PROGRESS 11:37 AM 69.400 Chiller Off POST BOIL CHILLING PROGRESS 11:38 AM 8.00 Gallons Pump Off POST BOIL CHILLING PROGRESS POST BOIL CHILLING PROGRESS POST CHILLING TEMP 11:56 AM 69.800 Red Thermo 67.5 POST CHILLING VOLUME 11:56 AM 8.000 POST CHILLING O.G. 12:18 PM 1.061 Refractometer from Ferm. 1.057 Herculometer, 1.058 Red Tilt POST CHILLING PH & TEMPERATURE 12:20 PM 5.220 70.200 From Ferm BEGIN TRANSFER 11:56 AM FERMENTOR VOLUME 12:14 PM 5.500 Strill running Clear BOIL KETTLE LOSS (TRUB LEFT IN BK) 12:14 PM 2.750 CALCULATED BOIL KETTLE LOSS (TRUB) 2.500 CALCULATED TOTAL BOIL OFF 1.750 CALCULATED CHILLING SHRINKAGE 0.500 CALCULATED CHILLING SHRINKAGE% 5.882 YEAST REHYDRATED OXYGEN ADDED 12:23 PM 3.000 YEAST PITCHED 12:33 PM TEMPERATURE SET POINT 12:33 PM 67.000

This Recipe Has Not Been Rated

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