HopZenWeisse (2014)

All Grain Recipe

Submitted By: sjareb (Shared)
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Brewer: Steven Jareb
Batch Size: 10.00 galStyle: Weizenbock (15C)
Boil Size: 13.46 galStyle Guide: BJCP 2008
Color: 6.3 SRMEquipment: Mini Brew Brew Kart
Bitterness: 49.3 IBUsBoil Time: 60 min
Est OG: 1.082 (19.7° P)Mash Profile: Decoction Mash, Single
Est FG: 1.019 SG (4.8° P)Fermentation: Ale, Two Stage
ABV: 8.3%Taste Rating: 30.0

Amount Name Type #
11.00 gal Distilled Water (Mash) Water 1
4.50 gal Distilled Water (Sparge) Water 2
3.00 gal Fullerton Groundwater (Mash) Water 3
11.00 g Gypsum (Calcium Sulfate) (Mash 60 min) Misc 4
10.00 g Calcium Chloride (Mash 60 min) Misc 5
8.00 ml Lactic Acid (Mash 60 min) Misc 6
1 lbs Rice Hulls (0.0 SRM) Adjunct 7
16 lbs Wheat Malt, Pale (Weyermann) (2.0 SRM) Grain 8
13 lbs Pilsner (2 Row) Ger (2.0 SRM) Grain 9
1 lbs 8.00 oz Munich Malt (9.0 SRM) Grain 10
1 lbs 8.00 oz Vienna Malt (Weyermann) (3.0 SRM) Grain 11
1 lbs Wheat, Flaked (2.0 SRM) Grain 12
8.00 oz Melanoiden Malt (30.0 SRM) Grain 13
1.00 oz Santiam [7.2%] - First Wort Hops 14
1.00 oz Sterling [6.7%] - First Wort Hops 15
0.25 oz Hallertau Magnum [15.2%] - Boil 60 min Hops 16
0.50 oz Hallertau Magnum [15.2%] - Boil 45 min Hops 17
1.00 oz Santiam [7.2%] - Boil 25 min Hops 18
1.00 oz Sterling [6.7%] - Boil 25 min Hops 19
12.00 tsp Yeast Nutrient (Boil 10 min) Misc 20
3.00 oz Santiam [7.2%] - Boil 0 min Hops 21
3.00 oz Sterling [6.7%] - Boil 0 min Hops 22
3.0 pkgs Bavarian Weizen Yeast (White Labs #WLP351) Yeast 23
3.00 oz Santiam [7.2%] - Dry Hop 7 days Hops 24
3.00 oz Sterling [6.7%] - Dry Hop 7 days Hops 25


01/09/14 - Prepared 5200ml starter with 500g DME & 1/2 tsp fermax. Boiled for 15 min and cooled to 70F. Pitched 4 vials of WLP351 (Exp date 02/07/14). 01/10/14 - After 24 hours on a stir plate (4:30pm) placed starter in chest freezer to clear so I can decant. Mashed in at 130F. Rested for 30min. Decocted 4.75 gallons brought to a boil and returned. Overshot rest at 160F. Quickly added 2qt of cool Distilled water. Brought down to 151F. Undershot mash out at 165F. Quickly started sparging. Collected 13.5 gallons. Boiled 60mim. Chilled to 63F. Pitched 3500ml starter (decanted 1500ml) with 3 vials of yeast and one fresh 1600ml starter with another vial of yeast. O2 for 1min. Then 45sec of O2 an hour later. Left to ferment at 63F. 01/12/14: very active airlock. At high krausen 15 hours after pitching. Still very vigorous in the PM. 65F. 01/15/14: raised temp to 67F. Airlock slowing but active. 01/16/14: Raised temp to 68F. Airlock slow but active. Gravity at 1.019. 01/20/14: raised temp to 70F. Airlock activity ceased. 01/22/14: gravity at 1.014. Began cold crash. 01/23/14: gravity at 1.013. Racked to secondary. Ended up with a lot of extra beer after filling secondary. Filled a 64oz growler and added 5 carb tabs and sealed. Filled 4 500ml flip top bottles and added 2 carb tabs to each bottle. 02/17/14: (afternoon) Dry hopped with 3oz of Santiam and 3 oz of Sterling. 02/19/14: Shook to get hop aroma into solution. NHC Seattle 2014: 37.5

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