
Mead Recipe

Submitted By: mjs566 (Shared)
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Brewer: Great Auk Brewing
Batch Size: 1.25 galStyle: Melomel (M2E)
Boil Size: 1.80 galStyle Guide: BJCP 2015
Color: Red10Equipment: Mead - Micro 1 Gal/4 l Batch
Bitterness: 0.0 IBUsBoil Time: 60 min
Est OG: 1.138 (31.8° P)Mash Profile: Single Infusion, Medium Body, No Mash Out
Est FG: 1.033 SG (8.2° P)Fermentation: Mead, Three Stage, Standard
ABV: 14.5%Taste Rating: 30.0

Amount Name Type #
0.75 gal Washington, DC Water 1
6.25 g GoFerm (Boil 0 min) Misc 2
2 lbs 12.00 oz Blackberry [Primary] (130.0 SRM) Fruit 3
3 lbs Honey [Primary] (6.0 SRM) Honey 4
12.00 oz Honey - Orange Blossom [Primary] (5.0 SRM) Honey 5
8.00 oz Honey - Clover [Primary] (4.0 SRM) Honey 6
1.00 g Opti-White (Primary 0 min) Misc 7
0.50 g FT Blanc Soft (Primary 0 min) Misc 8
0.50 tsp Pectic Enzyme (Primary 0 min) Misc 9
0.25 tsp Wine Tannin (Primary 0 min) Misc 10
1.0 pkgs Lalvin RC 212 (Bourgovin) (Lallemand - Lalvin #RC 212) Yeast 11
6.10 g Fermaid O (Primary 1 days) Misc 12
2.00 g Fermaid O (Primary 2 days) Misc 13


Must day: 8/6 Prep: - Pulled 2.75 lbs of wild frozen blackberries from the fridge - Dumped starsan from 1.5 gallon fermentor - Added 3lbs of honey, then 0.75 gallons of water - Added FT Blanc, Opti-white, and 1/4 tsp of Vinters Wine Tannin 8/7 - Morning: Added 6.1 grams of Fermaid O (3 additions due to its proximity to the 1/3 sugar break) o Degassed before addition - Evening: Degassed and added last nutrient addition as it was just below the 1/3 sugar break 8/8 - Degassed and measured gravity at 14.8 Brix (1.033) 8/10 - Punched down the fruit cap in the morning - Came home to an overflowing container, apparently the nut bag had gotten caught and inflated, forcing out the liquid....lost about 800 ml of mead - Calculations from this mead show the mead is actually only about 11% instead of 10% abv 8/22 - Transferred to secondary - Measured gravity at 0.996 at 70 deg F - Measured via refractometer at 7.8 Brix from same sample o OG predicted at 1.087 SG o ABV predicted at 12.2% - A bit over a gallon remains 9/5 - Stabilized with KMS and KSorbate 9/6 - Backsweetened with 1.25 lbs of honey (0.75lb OB and 0.5lb of Clover) 9/7 - Added 1/2 tsp of sparkalloid heated for 5 minutes 9/13 - Filtered and bottled (8 bottles: 2x750ml, 3x500ml, 3x375ml)

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