HG Sweat Bee

All Grain Recipe

Submitted By: Bullbythehorns (Shared)
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Brewer: Chris
Batch Size: 186.00 galStyle: Oatmeal Stout (13C)
Boil Size: 201.50 galStyle Guide: BJCP 2008
Color: 54.7 SRMEquipment: 7 BBL Production System
Bitterness: 32.5 IBUsBoil Time: 60 min
Est OG: 1.067 (16.3° P)Mash Profile: Single Infusion, Full Body
Est FG: 1.017 SG (4.4° P)Fermentation: My Aging Profile
ABV: 6.6%Taste Rating: 30.0

Amount Name Type #
25 lbs Rice Hulls (0.0 SRM) Adjunct 1
275 lbs Pale Malt (2 Row) US (2.0 SRM) Grain 2
55 lbs Munich (Cargill) (9.5 SRM) Grain 3
45 lbs 8.00 oz Roasted Barley (Simpsons) (550.0 SRM) Grain 4
21 lbs Victory Malt (biscuit) (Briess) (28.0 SRM) Grain 5
20 lbs Oats, Flaked (1.0 SRM) Grain 6
17 lbs 8.00 oz Black Barley (Briess) (500.0 SRM) Grain 7
0.16 oz Cane (Beet) Sugar [Boil] (0.0 SRM) Sugar 8
2 lbs 10.70 oz Glacier [5.6%] - Boil 60 min Hops 9
37.20 mg Turn off Burner (Boil 15 min) Misc 10
21.00 items Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 5 min) Misc 11
11.50 oz Willamette [5.5%] - Boil 5 min Hops 12
21 lbs Milk Sugar (Lactose) [Boil for 1 min] [Boil] (0.0 SRM) Sugar 13
42.0 pkgs SafAle English Ale (DCL/Fermentis #S-04) Yeast 14

Taste Notes


gypsum 248 174 CaCl 15.5 11 epsom 109 76 salt 31 22 Mash-Ultraflo-50ml Antioxin SBT 56g Yeast Nutrient-108g 19.5 pump 101124-163/155 added 4#choc rye to roasted barley to make up shortage 16.4/16.9 start of boil 15.0 pitch 1.061 072224-changed oats fromm 19.25 to 20#, reduced two row from 310 to 275 , vienna to munich 50-55. 164/156 17.2 start 051024-no data 022124-used Briees two row, ran 165/156. keep dropping strike temp FV1 18.98start 16.7 pitch (1.068) 110823-normal brew. RUN at 164 next time 166/157 mash 17.5 start of boil 091523-normal brew. 166/155 mash 20.0 towards end 17.0 in FV1 072123-normal brew. came in a bit hot at 156/7, mashed in at 167 start of boil 17.4 start 1.071 into FV 16.0 052923-normal brew with Dillon start of boil 17.4 start 1.071 030723-17.5 start of boil 15.6 (1.064) into fermenter 120822-used full sack munich, 16.6 part way thru boil, 1 blue tub hulls sparged great 14.3 (1.058) (spot on) 92122-Used vienna, not munich, added SBT in mash. 18.1 halfway thru boil. Added 25# hulls, lautered great, spread out dark malts and oatmeal adds. 15.6 pitch (1.064) 53122-100% RO. slow sparge. 17.0 (1.070) start of boil 16.5 pitch. (1.068) pitched at 67 then dropped to 60, let free ride up to 67 then turned cooling back on. 22822-100% RO. RO system kicked on during mash in so had extra water Start of boil 14.1 (1.057), had extra volume in boil kettle. added 15# sugar. decreased top off water by approx 3/8 bbl. didn't add roasted barley, will try to add via tea pre pitch. Added 45.5# roasted barley to 2 qts/lb for hour, brought to boil and added to fermenter. (no sparge came in at 1.071) 19 gallons went in. 14.3 (1.058) in fermenter 90721-100%RO with normal salts 16.4 (1.067) start of boil. 072321-70/30 well/ro. 17.5 (1.072) halfway thru boil 061021-strike 171-155 reduced base from 330 to 300 added rice hulls and used Ultraflo-smooth lauter. 16.8 (1.069 start of boil). 15.6 (1.064) 40621-171-154. 10# rice hulls , VERY sticky. used 330# 2-row, not 320. 1.073 start of boil, added 1.325 bbl at end and came in at 15.3 (1.062) 012621-mashed at 171, came in at 154. used 70% well water. reduced rice hulls from 25# to 10#, no issues. added dark malts at end and rice hulls then. 30 mins into boil 17.9 (1.072 (need to reduce 2 row). 1.060 per hydrometer. 10/22/20-tried burner at 90k setting, didn't work so took longer to get to boil. Mashed in with 171, settled at 152. 17.5 start of boil. Diluted with 1 bbl and ended at 16.2 brix (1.065) 9/24-with Dave mashed in at 167, settled in at 156 at top 146 at bottom, hit all numbers and put 7 bbl in fermenter at 1.060 2/4/20-mashed in at 173, settled in at 154. SLOW sparge. FV4 5/1/20-first brew in new building, lost some to vent pipes and ended at 5.75 bbl end of boil. Topped off to 7.0 bbl. End of boil gravity was 18.5 brix (1.075) 7/2/2-litle loss, used munich instead of vienna, 17.2 brix at start of boil. end of boil gravity was 18.2 brix (1.073) after dilution was at 16.0 (1.064)

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