Saison v.2.0
Partial Mash Recipe
Submitted By: Garrett_McT (Shared)
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Brewer: Garrett McTaggart | |
Batch Size: 3.40 gal | Style: Saison (25B) |
Boil Size: 4.04 gal | Style Guide: BJCP 2015 |
Color: 7.5 SRM | Equipment: My Equipment - 4 gal kettle - 3.4 Gal Batch |
Bitterness: 34.2 IBUs | Boil Time: 60 min |
Est OG: 1.068 (16.7° P) | Mash Profile: Double Infusion, Light Body |
Est FG: 1.011 SG (2.7° P) | Fermentation: Ale, Two Stage |
ABV: 7.7% | Taste Rating: 30.0 |
Amount |
Name |
Type |
# |
6 lbs |
Pilsner (2 Row) Ger (2.0 SRM) |
Grain |
1 |
10.94 oz |
Rye Malt (4.7 SRM) |
Grain |
2 |
9.60 oz |
Cara-Pils/Dextrine (2.0 SRM) |
Grain |
3 |
9.60 oz |
Caravienne Malt (22.0 SRM) |
Grain |
4 |
0.75 oz |
Fantasia [4.3%] - Boil 60 min |
Hops |
5 |
0.50 oz |
Hallertau Blanc [10.5%] - Boil 10 min |
Hops |
6 |
0.50 oz |
Hallertau Blanc [10.5%] - Boil 5 min |
Hops |
7 |
12.00 oz |
Honey - Tupelo [Primary] (8.0 SRM) |
Honey |
8 |
1.0 pkgs |
Belgian Saison II Yeast (White Labs #WLP566) |
Yeast |
9 |
I made a few revisions to this saison recipe and sort of settled on this. This is about when I started utilizing the notes section of BeerSmith, so the notes might be somewhat of a mess. Sorry of that in advance. I although have been utilizing it and find that it is a tremendous help in many different ways and encourage you to use it also. The recipe has my specific equipement profile in the BeerSmith program and that might be an issue when you download this recipe. It is set up to be a 3.4 gal batch which maximizes my brew kettle of about 4.5 gal or so. Please take a try at this recipe and let me know your feedback! Slainte!
VERSION CHANGE (4/26/2020) (Change from Saison v.1 (All Grain…))
Changed to a new version to play with the design equipment to attempt to create a new design equipment for my current equipment.
Playing with the grain profile to get it within style ranges after changing the equipment, also want to keep a close ratio of 2-row to Munich 20L of 9.94:1
Now referring to BYO article, , which says to stay away from Vienna and Munich. So, now substituting the Munich 20L with Rye, from article. Since the effeciency of the Rye malt is 0.63 and the Munich 20L is 0.75 then the do a true substitute then it would have to be multiplied by 1+[1-(0.63/0.75)] = 1.14
Therefore the ratio of 2-row to Rye is now 8.77:1
From the “Saison v1.2” the Honey to Batch Size is 3.56 oz Honey to 1 gal Batch Size, there for the 3.4 gal batch should have 12.104 oz. Approx. 12 oz
Completely scrapping the whole hop profile to restart. This hop profile changed from the original batch ingredeints at the time of the boil, so fuck it.
Converting LME to grain used the following website,
Assuming a 70% brewers effeciency (effeciency of converting the grain to fermentable malts) then the conversion factor for DME is 0.56 DME to grain.
[1 lb 14.3 oz of LME (1.89375 lb)] / (0.56 LME/Grain) = 3.3817 lb grain (3 lb 6.1 oz of grain)
convert the DME to German 2-ro Pilsner grain
Adding some cara-pils to add some mouth feel and some head retention (the lower head retention in v.1 might have been because of forgetting to add bottling sugars).
Increasing German 2-row from 3 lb 6.1 oz to increase the ABV, I want a very high ABV but still within the style.
Adjust hop profile to bring it into the Saison style and maybe change malt profile to allow a darker finish color.
MASHING NOTES (4/4/20) (FROM “Saison v1.2”)
Did not input the proper equipment for a half batch of 1.5 gal batch size. Originally had at “BIAB 5 gal” instead of “Extract - Halft Standard Batch 2 gal”, on the “Design” tab under “Equipment”. At the end of the 90 minute boil, as per designed (see “Saison v.1”), the volume was just below 3 gal. Had to boil off 2.5 gal of water to bring it to 1.5 gal of the designed batch size.
It took an extra 20 minutes to boil off the additional 0.5 gal of wort to bring the final volume to 2.5 gal of wort (was suppose to be 1.5 gal of wort as originally designed in “Saison v1”).
Tasting of wort: slightly bitter, somewhat fruity, and sweet (all these tastes were greatly accentuated since it is the wort not the finished beer).
GENERAL NOTES (Carried over from Base Lager v.2)
Target water to grain ratio, W:G, = 3.5 qt water to 1 lb of grain, 3.5 qt: 1 lb (also: 7.30 lb: 1 lb)
From Measured Density of Grain => Water Volume to Grain Weight = .0875, leads to Water Volume to Grain Volume = 1.153
In a 4 gal kettle => 1.858 gal Grain or 2.449 lb Grain and 2.142 gal Water
Grain Weight to Pot Volume (Brew In A Bag Method BIAB) = 0.868 lb/gal
From “known” density of grain => Water Volume to Grain Weight = 0.875, leads to Wate Volume to Grain Volume = 3.159
In a 4 gal kettle => 0.962 gal Grain or 3.472 lb Grain and 3.038 gal WaterThis Recipe Has Not Been Rated