Binnshire Solera Lambic, Batch 85, Fill #4

All Grain Recipe

Submitted By: brett (Shared)
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Brewer: Brett Binns
Batch Size: 6.00 galStyle: Lambic (23D)
Boil Size: 8.09 galStyle Guide: BJCP 2015
Color: 3.3 SRMEquipment: Brett's 7.5 Gallon BoilerMaker(5 gal/19L)
Bitterness: 0.0 IBUsBoil Time: 90 min
Est OG: 1.052 (12.8° P)Mash Profile: Brett’s Lambic Mash for Solera, 1.25 qt/lb
Est FG: 1.013 SG (3.2° P)Fermentation: Ale, Three Stage
ABV: 5.2%Taste Rating: 30.0

Amount Name Type #
9.57 gal Binnshire Brewing Well Water 2019-11-25 Water 1
8.00 oz Rice Hulls (0.0 SRM) Adjunct 2
6 lbs Pilsen (Maine Malt House) (1.6 SRM) Grain 3
5 lbs Red Wheat Malt (Maine Malt House) (1.8 SRM) Grain 4
9.40 oz Acidulated (Weyermann) (1.8 SRM) Grain 5
0.25 tsp Wyeast Beer Yeast Nutrient Blend (Boil 10 min) Misc 6
1.0 pkgs Belgian Lambic Blend (Wyeast Labs #3278) Yeast 7

Taste Notes



Batch 85, Fill #4 2020-10-29: Brewday. Using Mash Profile #4 from the TopLink but with Mashout set high to 190°F. Tannins, etc, that rinse out will be eaten up by the long mixed culture ferment. I might try a single temp at 158°F some time. I am not sure of this mash profile any longer but didn't change it today. We had intended to brew this months ago but pandemic and house visitor delayed the brew. Because of this, the yeast is a good bit older than prefered. As it is a blend, I am not using a starter. Mash done at 1145. Ending runoff at SG of 1.009 and pH of 5.81 (although the meter keeps droppiing over time - 5.81 is the initial steady pH). Captured 5.8G with OG 1.056, a little above predicted. Yeast didn't swell much but I am sure it will go (slowly). No hops makes this a bit extra scarry but I suspect it will be fine. 2020-10-30: Midday and it is still inactive. Temp up a little to 67.4°F. 2020-10-31: Temp is up to 71°F but still no activity. In fact, the alcohol is up on the wrong side of the 'S' airlock! Remember that is despite the carboy having warmed. Squirrely. And it is making me nervous. 2020-11-01: 0932: Temp nearly 72°F and still no activity, except!: The alcohol in the 'S' lock has flipped to the right side. If nothing happens today I will have to consider turning it into something else, but with no hops, that could be tricky - Kviek maybe. Otherwise I might add some Gueze dregs. Keep reading... 1331: Temp remains constant but activity has started. *** I also just added Oude Gueze Vieille from Oud Beersel bottle dregs to the carboy. *** 2020-11-02: Bubbling away stongly and constantly with the temp just under 75°F. Aroma is fruity and fine. Krausen is surprisingly low considering the activity. 2020-11-03: Still bubbling every couple of seconds but the krausen has dropped. Aroma fine. Temp at 72.4°F. 2020-11-07: A bit tart but aroma and flavor are good. Some grapefruit notes. I think some lacto got a foothold before the yeast did but I think it will be OK. Temp at 71.4°F and the refractometer read 8 Brix which works out to 1.016. Reasonable. I can taste some sweet still - that will give the little buggers something to eat. And we have a new President Elect - Yay Biden/Harris!!! 2020-11-08: Racked into the Solera. There is still room left when I was done even though we had 5.8G of Lambic before racking. Here is how I did it. 1. Moved the barrel rack forward. 2. Lowered the shelf above it to horizontal. 3. Placed my short three step ladder into the "closet" as far as the grain bins allow. 4. Moved the carboy with the auto-syphon already inserted to the top step on the ladder. 5. Stepped onto ladder. 6. Lifted the carboy and stepped up another step (difficult, needed help). 7. Lifted the carboy onto the shelf (VERY Difficult, Needed HELP - Thanks Celina! :-) ) 2021-03-04: Added dregs from Oude BeerselVandervelden 137 Oude Geuze Vieille. 2023-10-29: More than two years has gone by since dregs added and three years since last addition to barrel. Inspected and drew sample. Nearly half has evaporated. Taste is OK. Lemon. No funk really. Thin. SG read 1.036 for an SG of 1.005. If alcohol evaporated first this will not reflect ABV but no way to tell. Lots of floaties - could be mold. No idea.

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