Continetal Pilsen
Extract Recipe
Submitted By: brasilitobrewing (Shared)
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Brewer: Chris MacDonald | |
Batch Size: 5.00 gal | Style: American Amber Ale ( 6B) |
Boil Size: 2.82 gal | Style Guide: BJCP 1999 |
Color: 4.0 SRM | Equipment: Pot ( 3 Gal/11.4 L) - Extract |
Bitterness: 0.0 IBUs | Boil Time: 60 min |
Est OG: 1.040 (10.0° P) | |
Est FG: 1.011 SG (2.7° P) | Fermentation: Ale, Two Stage |
ABV: 3.9% | Taste Rating: 30.0 |
Amount |
Name |
Type |
# |
1 lbs |
Cara-Pils/Dextrine (2.0 SRM) |
Grain |
1 |
1 lbs |
Pale Malt (2 Row) UK (3.0 SRM) |
Grain |
2 |
3 lbs 4.80 oz |
Pilsner Liquid Extract (3.5 SRM) |
Extract |
3 |
2 lbs |
Pilsner Liquid Extract [Boil for 45 min] (3.5 SRM) |
Extract |
4 |
Primary Fermentation Stage
6-15-2013 Brew Day Normal except I think we under aerated the wort before pitching yeast. 1.043 hydrometer
6-20-2013 Stuck fermentation. No activity since pitching dry yeast 6.15.2013 at 1715. Added White lab pilsen yeats liquid at 1100 today.
6-21-2013 0600 Good fermentation activity. temp has been 65F down to 58F
6-24-2013 0600 Very active fermentation since 6-21 started taking temp down to 55F
6-27-2013 Fermentation has slowed no real airlock activity. Transferred to secondary fermenter at 1700
Secondary Lagering Stage refractometer 7.0 brix
6-27-2013 55F decrease to 52F
6-28-2013 52F decrease to 49F
6-29-2013 49F decrease to 46F
6-30-2013 46F decrease to 43F
7-1-2013 43F decrease to 40F (Vissani wife refrigerator will go no further than 40F) Waiting to transfer to Cooler 2
7-5-2013 Temperature is still holding between 39F and 40F
7-6-2013 Moved beer to cooler 1 and dropped temp to 38F
7-17-2013 sample tested with hydrometer 1218 mst 1.014 brix 7.0 carboy temp steady 37F
FG reading 1.043-1.014 x 131.25 = 3.80625% alcohol
Projected date for kegging 7-21
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