Tripel #6
All Grain Recipe
Submitted By: Shieldsmo (Shared)
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Batch Size: 6.00 gal | Style: Belgian Tripel (26C) |
Boil Size: 6.74 gal | Style Guide: BJCP 2015 |
Color: 5.7 SRM | Equipment: Wine - Standard 6 Gal/23 l |
Bitterness: 35.5 IBUs | Boil Time: 60 min |
Est OG: 1.081 (19.5° P) | Mash Profile: Double Infusion, Medium Body |
Est FG: 1.021 SG (5.5° P) | Fermentation: Ale, Two Stage |
ABV: 8.0% | Taste Rating: 35.0 |
Amount |
Name |
Type |
# |
10 lbs |
Pilsen Malt 2-Row (Briess) (1.0 SRM) |
Grain |
1 |
3 lbs 8.00 oz |
Vienna Malt (Briess) (3.5 SRM) |
Grain |
2 |
12.00 oz |
Borlander Munich Malt (Briess) (10.0 SRM) |
Grain |
3 |
4.00 oz |
Aromatic Malt (Briess) (20.0 SRM) |
Grain |
4 |
4.00 oz |
Biscuit (Dingemans) (22.5 SRM) |
Grain |
5 |
4.00 oz |
Acidulated (Weyermann) (1.8 SRM) |
Grain |
6 |
2 lbs |
Candi Sugar, Clear [Boil] (0.5 SRM) |
Sugar |
7 |
1.00 oz |
Tettnang (Tettnang Tettnager) [4.0%] - Boil 60 min |
Hops |
8 |
1.00 oz |
Pacific Jade [14.2%] - Boil 20 min |
Hops |
9 |
1.00 oz |
Styrian Goldings [3.0%] - Boil 10 min |
Hops |
10 |
6.00 g |
Lime peel (Boil 5 min) |
Misc |
11 |
18.00 g |
Orange Peel, Bitter (Boil 5 min) |
Misc |
12 |
6.00 oz |
Lemon Peel (Boil 5 min) |
Misc |
13 |
6.00 g |
Orange Peel, Sweet (Boil 5 min) |
Misc |
14 |
1.0 pkgs |
Belgian Wit Ale (White Labs #WLP400) |
Yeast |
15 |
2.00 items |
Vanilla Beans (Secondary 10 days) |
Misc |
16 |
Taste Notes
28May19 first taste
Appearance: medium-dark gold color, a short of light amber, very hazy when at 41F, not much head
Aroma: sweet and malty, medium intensity, light citrus/lemon aroma
Flavor: sweet, bready flavor, honey flavor, balanced nicely with hops bitterness, medium strong vanilla and citrus flavors dominated by lemon, very tasty
Mouthfeel & body: maybe a bit more than medium mouthfeel, a bit less than medium-full, creamy & warming alcohol
Carbonation: drinkable but could use a little more carbonation
Finish: long, strong, slightly sweet. Perhaps more carbonation will help dry it out
Comment: vanilla makes this more like a holiday/christmas beer, and it is ok but next time make the following changes: eliminate vanilla, change to Simplicity sugar, replace Munich malt with pilsner, keep aromatic and biscuit malts. Keep the rest of the citrus peels the sameNotes
8Mar19 brew day
32 qt Covington water + 6 grams CaCl2 gives Ca 63 Cl 98
Mash in 20 qt (1.25 qt/gal) at 130F (strike 143F) for 30 minutes, add 5 qt boiling water and heat to 145F for 15 minutes, add 5 qt boiling water to reach 158F for 30 minutes, pull 10 qt medium thick decoction, boil for 30 minutes, add back to main mash for mash-out. Collect 9 gallons for 90 minute boil.
One minute O2, pitched at 64F, ferment at 68F OG 1.076
12Mar19 raised to 69F
23Mar19 SG 1.012
27Mar19 raised to 73F added vanilla beans
4Apr19 racked to secondary SG 1.009
17Apr19 kegged FG 1.008
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