Andechs Weekday Bock 
All Grain Recipe
Submitted By: BrewMan47 (Shared)
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Brewer: Todd Street | |
Batch Size: 5.00 gal | Style: Traditional Bock ( 5B) |
Boil Size: 6.43 gal | Style Guide: BJCP 2008 |
Color: 14.7 SRM | Equipment: Brew Pot (10 gal) and Igloo Cooler (10 Gal) |
Bitterness: 34.6 IBUs | Boil Time: 60 min |
Est OG: 1.061 (15.0° P) | Mash Profile: Step Infusion |
Est FG: 1.017 SG (4.3° P) | Fermentation: My Aging Profile |
ABV: 5.8% | Taste Rating: 35.0 |
Amount |
Name |
Type |
# |
1.00 tbsp |
PH 5.2 Stabilizer (Mash 60 min) |
Misc |
1 |
9 lbs |
Pilsner (2 Row) Ger (2.0 SRM) |
Grain |
2 |
1 lbs |
Aromatic Malt (26.0 SRM) |
Grain |
3 |
12.00 oz |
Caramunich Malt (56.0 SRM) |
Grain |
4 |
4.00 oz |
Acidulated (Sauer) Malt (3.0 SRM) |
Grain |
5 |
2.08 oz |
Carafa III (525.0 SRM) |
Grain |
6 |
1.50 oz |
Hallertauer [4.8%] - Boil 60 min |
Hops |
7 |
1.50 oz |
Hallertauer Hersbrucker [4.0%] - Boil 15 min |
Hops |
8 |
0.25 tsp |
Irish Moss (Boil 10 min) |
Misc |
9 |
0.50 tsp |
Yeast Nutrient (Boil 10 min) |
Misc |
10 |
0.50 oz |
Crystal [3.5%] - Boil 1 min |
Hops |
11 |
1.0 pkgs |
German Bock Lager (White Labs #WLP833) |
Yeast |
12 |
0.30 oz |
Crystal [3.5%] - Dry Hop 3 days |
Hops |
13 |
started 5000ml Yeast on Wednesday 10/14/2009. Sparged with 4 gallons of 170 F water. cooled to 66 F and pitched yeast at 2100 on 10/23/09. Removed to the closet for 2 day diacetyl rest at 65 degrees on 11/2/2009. Racked to 5 Gal keg and set in Lager Freezer for 4 weeks @ 35 degrees on 11/4/2009. Need to add Crystal Dry hops on 12/01/09. Added crystal hops on 11/23/09. Set in keg fridge for carbonation on 11/30/09This Recipe Has Not Been Rated