Jason/Catherine NEIPA

All Grain Recipe

Submitted By: hukdizzle (Shared)
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Brewer: hukdizzle
Batch Size: 11.00 galStyle: White IPA (21B)
Boil Size: 13.48 galStyle Guide: BJCP 2015
Color: 4.3 SRMEquipment: CrunkWorx PNW
Bitterness: 41.9 IBUsBoil Time: 90 min
Est OG: 1.064 (15.8° P)Mash Profile: Single Infusion, Medium Body, Batch Sparge
Est FG: 1.018 SG (4.6° P)Fermentation: Ale, Two Stage
ABV: 6.1%Taste Rating: 30.0

Amount Name Type #
12 lbs Brewer's Malt, 2-Row, Premium (Great Western) (2.0 SRM) Grain 1
6 lbs Oats, Flaked (Briess) (1.4 SRM) Grain 2
4 lbs Pale Malt, Golden Promise (Thomas Fawcett) (3.0 SRM) Grain 3
4 lbs White Wheat Malt (2.4 SRM) Grain 4
1.00 items Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 15 min) Misc 5
4.00 oz Citra [13.4%] - Boil 15 min Hops 6
2.20 g Yeast Nutrient (Boil 15 min) Misc 7
3.00 oz Cascade [6.3%] - Steep 10 min Hops 8
3.00 oz Mosaic (HBC 369) [12.4%] - Steep 10 min Hops 9
3.00 oz Vic Secret [19.6%] - Steep 10 min Hops 10
2.0 pkgs Juice (Imperial Yeast #A38) Yeast 11
2.00 oz Cascade [6.3%] - Dry Hop 12 days Hops 12
2.00 oz Mosaic (HBC 369) [12.4%] - Dry Hop 12 days Hops 13
2.00 oz Vic Secret [19.6%] - Dry Hop 12 days Hops 14
3.00 oz Cascade [6.3%] - Dry Hop 3 days Hops 15
3.00 oz Mosaic (HBC 369) [12.4%] - Dry Hop 3 days Hops 16
3.00 oz Vic Secret [19.6%] - Dry Hop 3 days Hops 17


Chill wort to 155'F before adding whirlpool hops and hold at this temp for 10 minutes. Pitch around 1 million cells/degree plato/ml or around 330 billion cells for a 5.5 gallon batch at 1.064 gravity. Ferment at 67'F with London3/SacchTrois ramping to 70'F to ensure diacetyl rest and cleanup. Dry hop one day into active fermentation and then keg dry hop with a stainless canister for rest of dry hop addition. Cold crash for 24 hours and keg immediately with as much caution for oxygen ingress as possible. Look for around 150ppm chloride to 50ppm sulfate for the water profile and get the calcium up over 50ppm but try to keep it below 120ppm to help with the turbidity of the beer.

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