berry cider 
Cider Recipe
Submitted By: canamard (Shared)Members can download and share recipes
Batch Size: 7.00 gal | Style: Cider With Other Fruit (C2B) |
Boil Size: 7.29 gal | Style Guide: BJCP 2015 |
Color: Red1 | Equipment: Cider - Large 10 Gal/38 l Batch |
Bitterness: 0.0 IBUs | Boil Time: 0 min |
Est OG: 1.064 (15.7° P) | Mash Profile: Single Infusion, Medium Body, No Mash Out |
Est FG: 0.994 SG (-1.5° P) | Fermentation: Cider, Two Stage |
ABV: 9.2% | Taste Rating: 30.0 |
Amount | Name | Type | # |
7.73 gal | Apple Juice - Honeycrisp [Primary] (3.0 SRM) | Juice | 1 |
2 lbs | Corn Sugar (Dextrose) [Primary] (0.0 SRM) | Sugar | 2 |
1.0 pkgs | Cider (Mangrove Jack's #M02) | Yeast | 3 |
3 lbs | mixed berry medley [Secondary] (3.0 SRM) | Fruit | 4 |
21.00 ml | Lactic Acid (Bottling 0 min) | Misc | 5 |
5.60 ml | Stevia extract (Bottling 0 min) | Misc | 6 |