Tropical Foreign Export Stout, Batch 57

All Grain Recipe

Submitted By: brett (Shared)
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Brewer: Brett Binns
Batch Size: 5.50 galStyle: Foreign Extra Stout (16D)
Boil Size: 7.04 galStyle Guide: BJCP 2015
Color: 38.9 SRMEquipment: Brett's 10 Gallon BoilerMaker (5 gal/19 L)
Bitterness: 59.6 IBUsBoil Time: 60 min
Est OG: 1.077 (18.7° P)Mash Profile: Brett's Medium Body with dough in and mash out, 1.25 qt/lb
Est FG: 1.021 SG (5.3° P)Fermentation: Ale, Two Stage
ABV: 7.6%Taste Rating: 30.0

Amount Name Type #
12 lbs 0.32 oz Pale Malt, Maris Otter (3.0 SRM) Grain 1
1 lbs 4.00 oz Caramel/Crystal Malt - 60L (60.0 SRM) Grain 2
8.00 oz Roasted Barley (Crisp) (695.0 SRM) Grain 3
6.00 oz Chocolate Malt (450.0 SRM) Grain 4
2.00 oz Goldings, East Kent [5.3%] - First Wort Hops 5
1.30 oz Goldings, East Kent [6.1%] - First Wort Hops 6
8.00 oz Molasses [Boil] (80.0 SRM) Sugar 7
0.50 items Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 15 min) Misc 8
0.25 tsp Yeast Nutrient (Boil 10 min) Misc 9
1.0 pkgs London ESB Ale (Wyeast Labs #1968) Yeast 10

Taste Notes

2018-11-01: After kegging, warm and flat: I think I missed my mark as Foreigh Extra Stout but its still quite good. Flanders Red and Borboun flavors are forward. Color is reasonable and more like porter roasty - ie very mildly so. It is more like a barleywine-lite - and at 7.7% at that. Lets see what happens when it is cold and carbed.


I certainly winged this one. There is very little information out there on recipes for Foreign Export Stout. I have in mind Lion Stout and Antwerpen from Guinness. The recipe has been formulated to provide lots of dark and rich without excessive roastiness. It is intended to go into the Whiskey Barrel which has been primed for something like a month now with a Nobb Hill bourben. I am going to ferment this stout ontop of the yeast cake I will free up today from a bitter that used Wyeast London ESB. 2018-06-14: Brewday! Internet is not working as desired. Taking time up and can't load latest BeerSmith - 3.0.5. Oh well. I'm hitting my Dough-In and Mash temps on the money by the MT BrewMometer, 140°F and 152°F. OG is 1.074. As planned, I dumped ththe wort atop the London ESB yeast cake. No problems there I believe. I will note that 10 oz or so of the Bitter remained in the carboy but I didn't worry about it and added the wort anyway. No oxygen added to the wort today but I ran the wort in from nearly the full height of the fermenter and gave it a good shake as well. I modified the recipe a bit as I went. I originally figured I would use 13# of Maris Otter but I only had 12# - I was over OG for style anyway so I went with what I had. I also modified the hops to deal with the specific AA mix of the EKG that I had in stock. Finally, as the OG was going to be lower than planned, I partially compensated by bringing the Molases up from 4oz to 8oz. I think it will be good that way but it doesn't make a lot of difference to the gravity. Since this is going into the oak barrel, I want the ABV to be rather high. 2018-06-15 06:35: Only the slightest activity is showing. I am afraid the yeast cake was a bit old. 2018-06-16 0857: It's going pretty strong now with a couple inches of Krausen and bubbling 2s out of every 4s. 2°F warmer in the carboy than the ambient temp of 68°F. Smell's good. All is well. 2018-06-16 2220: Temp in carboy is 73°F - to high. I lowered the room temp 2°F to 66°F. I bet it will be OK by morning. 2018-06-17 1042: Room temp holding at 68°F despite 66°F setting. Carboy dropped a little. 2018-06-18 1643: Bubbling is much slowed and the krausen has been reabsorbed. Temp down to 68°F, 2°F above ambient. 2018-06-19 0749: Bubbling slowed greatly and within one point of terminal gravity reached. Racking to secondary. Added another three ounces of whiskey to barrel (Woodford Reserve Straight Rye Whiskey), and making sure all insides wetted and sealed. Nervous about prior batch of London/Muich Pride bitter having set to long on the yeast cake, it's having potentially been thus contaminated, and whether such "soap" or fatty acid flavors could be transfered to this stout. Getting it off that yeast! If off flavors present, can I use brettanomyces to correct? - Sample tastes fine - or the strong tastes of a stout cover any imperfections. Color lighter than anticipated, roastier than anticipated but great chocolate flavors. Surprised to see quarter inch of sediment (trub) at bottom of secondary very shortly after racking and cleaning up. I will let it go some days in secondary before transfering to the barrel which I am wetting with whiskey inside and water spray outside. 2018-06-21: Racking to oak cask containing bourbon and rye wiskey. Carboy is at 67°F and room temp is at 66°F and will stay there unless driven higher by weather. SG measured 11 Brix/1.043 or 1.025. That's up and not down. Something isn't right. Measured twice and got the same numbers. Prior reading assumed erroneous. 2018-11-01: Racked to Keg #8 and placed on Tap 2. Needs to chill and carb for a week or so. 2019-04-29: Kicked but much loved!

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