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All Grain Recipe

Submitted By: Bigringking (Shared)
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Brewer: Ed Messer
Batch Size: 11.00 galStyle: American IPA (14B)
Boil Size: 13.44 galStyle Guide: BJCP 2008
Color: 6.8 SRMEquipment: Ed's All Grain - 11 Gal
Bitterness: 68.7 IBUsBoil Time: 75 min
Est OG: 1.063 (15.5° P)Mash Profile: Single Infusion, Medium Body, Batch Sparge
Est FG: 1.009 SG (2.3° P)Fermentation: Ale, Two Stage
ABV: 7.2%Taste Rating: 30.0

Amount Name Type #
16.87 gal Distilled Water Water 1
12.91 g Gypsum (Calcium Sulfate) (Mash 60 min) Misc 2
6.32 g Baking Soda (Mash 60 min) Misc 3
5.24 g Calcium Chloride (Mash 60 min) Misc 4
1 lbs Rice Hulls (0.0 SRM) Adjunct 5
17 lbs Pale Malt (2 Row) US (2.0 SRM) Grain 6
4 lbs 12.00 oz Munich Malt (9.0 SRM) Grain 7
3 lbs 9.00 oz Vienna Malt (3.5 SRM) Grain 8
8.00 oz Caramel Malt - 40L (Briess) (40.0 SRM) Grain 9
4.76 g Gypsum (Calcium Sulfate) (Boil 60 min) Misc 10
2.33 g Baking Soda (Boil 60 min) Misc 11
1.93 g Calcium Chloride (Boil 60 min) Misc 12
2.10 oz Magnum [15.1%] - Boil 45 min Hops 13
2.50 oz Centennial [8.0%] - Boil 30 min Hops 14
1.00 oz Centennial [8.0%] - Boil 5 min Hops 15
4.0 pkgs Safale American (DCL/Fermentis #US-05) Yeast 16
7.00 oz Centennial [8.0%] - Dry Hop 7 days Hops 17


1-2-23 Reversed the specialty grains: weighed out 4# 12oz of Munich instead of 3# 9oz. So went with 3# 9oz Vienna instead. Sigh. It's been a while since I brewed last... Overshot strike water temp a few degrees so mashed in at 149ish. No acid additions at all and mash pH was 5.39. Held back maybe under a gallon of strike water so as to not overheat the grist. Changed the recipe to sub Magnum for the 45 min Centennial boil addition because I didn;t have enough Centennial. We'll see how it goes. Jumped the gun on the hops again. I don't know why the timer goes off at one hour. I only dosed the first hop early - I got back on the schedule for the 30 min hop. Dropped Temps on day 7 slowly from 67 down to 44. Dry hopped on day 8 at 44*F. Will cold crash to 36*F on Thursday and keg on the weekend. 5-22-22 Added 2mL lactic to the mash and still ended up a 5.15pH. Temp was again 151-152. Mash is really thick at 1.0 Qt/# (before adding step mash water). Hard to get it well mixed. Accidentally moved my hop schedule up: 3.5 oz at boil (duh. this is where I went wrong); 2.5 oz at 45 min; 1.0 oz at 30 min. I'm going to forgo the 5 min and just go with the dryhop. I'll try Denny Conn's cold dry hop. In the Big Mouth Fermenter I mixed a Lallemand Nottingham and a US-05. In the smaller fermenter, I did 2 US-05s. I rehydrated both pitches in 95*F water. Both pitches took off within 18 hours. The Lallemand/US-05 fermented down really quickly at 66*F. The all US-05 took longer, finally fermenting down after one full week. Cooled the beer over night and today to 36*F. Dry hopped at 3pm ish (Monday) Will Keg on Wednesday night. OK So Diluting. On 6-1-22 I opted to leave the 6.8% keg alone and kegged it. Mainly to have an unmolested batch. For the 7% beer I kegged 1 gallon of it unmolested into a freshly purged keg. Hoping that my sanitization and O2 pickup were on point. The for the remaining 4.5 gallons of beer on 1~ gallon of trub, I used liquid priming sugar. It started with 4.3 oz of priming sugar in .85 gallons of water. This mixture was for the full amount of the 6.5 gallon batch going from 7% to 6.2%. So I calculated that i needed .45 gallons of water to dilute and so I poured off .4 gallons of the priming mixture and used only the .45 gallons. I expect that math works out. When I checked the gravity out of the racking tube it was still 8.0 brix which put the ABV still at 7%. So assume it hadn't mixed fully. Mash pH was super low - 5.05 vs the 5.2 BeerSmith and VikeMan predicted. Need to look at the salts vis a vis the total water volume. Temp was good - a bit high at 151-152 but no worries. Did not hit the 170 with the boiling water - 166-167. Meh. Need to figure out this mash For single batch: Use 4.5 gallons (17 L) carbon filtered water, adjust with 4 grams gypsum. Step mash: 45 minutes at 150°F (66°C), ramp to 170°F (77°C) over 15 minutes (or ramp by infusing 2.5 gallons boiling water), rest 10 minutes at 170°F (77°C). Vorlauf until clear. Collect 6.6 gallons (25 L), sparging with 175°F (79°C) water. Boil vigorously for approximately 75 minutes, hopping as in ingredients section. Whirlpool and allow to settle for 15 minutes. Chill wort to 64°F (18°C). Aerate wort and pitch yeast. Ferment warm (ale temperature). Dry hop one week into fermentation. Allow two hearted clone to stay warm with hops for a week. Rack beer, crash cool, and cold age for a week. 11/23/19 Mashed in with 8ml of lactic and hit 5.1pH. Temp is 153+/-. Fermentation started off really nicely and proceeded rapidly. Dry hopped with 3.5 oz Mandarina Bavaria in the smaller batch and 3.75 oz of Citra in the larger batch. Just to see. MB batch finished at 6.1% ABV (1.013) and Citra batch finished at 6.0% ABV (1.104).


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