basic bitch
All Grain Recipe
Submitted By: avalnche (Shared)
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Brewer: Mike | |
Batch Size: 11.00 gal | Style: Oatmeal Stout (13C) |
Boil Size: 14.50 gal | Style Guide: BJCP 2004 |
Color: 41.5 SRM | Equipment: Mike's 15 gallon kettle |
Bitterness: 35.0 IBUs | Boil Time: 60 min |
Est OG: 1.072 (17.5° P) | Mash Profile: Single Infusion, Full Body, Batch Sparge |
Est FG: 1.024 SG (6.0° P) | Fermentation: Ale, Single Stage |
ABV: 6.4% | Taste Rating: 0.0 |
Amount |
Name |
Type |
# |
11.00 gal |
stout? |
Water |
1 |
8.85 g |
Chalk (Mash 60 min) |
Misc |
2 |
2.77 g |
Epsom Salt (MgSO4) (Mash 60 min) |
Misc |
3 |
2.26 g |
Baking Soda (Mash 60 min) |
Misc |
4 |
2.07 g |
Gypsum (Calcium Sulfate) (Mash 60 min) |
Misc |
5 |
1.45 g |
Calcium Chloride (Mash 60 min) |
Misc |
6 |
23 lbs 4.44 oz |
Pale Malt (2 Row) US (2.0 SRM) |
Grain |
7 |
3 lbs 5.21 oz |
Caramel/Crystal Malt -120L (120.0 SRM) |
Grain |
8 |
3 lbs 5.21 oz |
Oats, Flaked (1.0 SRM) |
Grain |
9 |
1 lbs 10.60 oz |
Chocolate Malt (350.0 SRM) |
Grain |
10 |
1 lbs 10.60 oz |
Roasted Barley (300.0 SRM) |
Grain |
11 |
1.53 oz |
Columbus (Tomahawk) [17.4%] - Boil 60 min |
Hops |
12 |
1.00 items |
Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 10 min) |
Misc |
13 |
1.00 tsp |
Yeast Nutrient (Boil 10 min) |
Misc |
14 |
2.2 pkgs |
British Ale (White Labs #WLP005) |
Yeast |
15 |
1-21-18 Basic Oatmeal Stout (Basic Bitch)
Source recipe in beer smith
Started with a beta-glucan rest for the oats on the stovetop. 111 degrees for 1/2 hour. Added all the oats with several scoops of base malt for enzymes. Should help with gumminess of wort when sparging. Filled 4 qt stockpot and had to add heat a couple times to keep temp… tried to raise to 120 degrees by the end.
Heated strike water to 168 degrees, added to mash tun, added the oatmeal and grain, hit 149 while trying to hit 156. Decocted about a gallon of thin mash, boiled on stovetop, added back and hit 155. Very eventful start. Set mash timer for 60 minutes and started heating sparge water to 170.
Mixed in about a pound of rice hulls.
First running is 1.096, volume is 6 gallons
Second running is at 1.055, volume is 5 gallons
Third running is 1.045, 3.5 gallons.
Pre-boil gravity is 1.065, volume is 14.5 gallons.
Reached boil, added 2.0 oz of CTZ at 12.1%AA.
End of boil volume (hot) 13.25 gallons, 1.073
Elapsed time from mash in to clean brewery 4:48.
Waited a few hours while I did other things and then aerated for 2 minutes, then pitched 2 packages of WYeast Irish ale (supposed to be the same strain as darkness from imperial). I didn’t want to use english ale yeast for this one, and I have liked the darkness on other beers. In hind sight this was an under pitch, so we’ll see what happens.
gravity check is at 1.014. May drop a point or 2 more by keg time. This Recipe Has Not Been Rated