Citra Double IPA (clone) - Kern River Brewing Company (CYBI Podcast version)
(48 ratings)
All Grain Recipe
Submitted By: krazydave (Shared)Members can download and share recipes
Brewer: Dave Clark | |
Batch Size: 6.00 gal | Style: Imperial IPA (14C) |
Boil Size: 8.52 gal | Style Guide: BJCP 2008 |
Color: 6.4 SRM | Equipment: My Equipment - Keggle Brew Pot (15 Gal) and Igloo/Gott Cooler (10 Gal) |
Bitterness: 85.2 IBUs | Boil Time: 60 min |
Est OG: 1.073 (17.8° P) | Mash Profile: Single Infusion, Medium Body, Batch Sparge |
Est FG: 1.012 SG (3.1° P) | Fermentation: Ale, Single Stage |
ABV: 8.1% | Taste Rating: 46.0 |
Amount | Name | Type | # |
13 lbs 12.46 oz | Pale Malt (2 Row) US (2.0 SRM) | Grain | 1 |
12.32 oz | Cara-Pils/Dextrine (2.0 SRM) | Grain | 2 |
12.32 oz | Caramel/Crystal Malt - 10L (10.0 SRM) | Grain | 3 |
12.32 oz | Munich Malt (9.0 SRM) | Grain | 4 |
6.00 oz | Honey Malt (25.0 SRM) | Grain | 5 |
5.92 oz | White Wheat Malt (2.4 SRM) | Grain | 6 |
0.88 oz | Nugget [13.0%] - Boil 60 min | Hops | 7 |
0.88 oz | Citra [12.0%] - Boil 30 min | Hops | 8 |
1.00 items | Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 15 min) | Misc | 9 |
0.88 oz | Citra [12.0%] - Boil 15 min | Hops | 10 |
0.88 oz | Citra [12.0%] - Boil 10 min | Hops | 11 |
0.88 oz | Citra [12.0%] - Boil 5 min | Hops | 12 |
1.0 pkgs | California Ale (White Labs #WLP001) | Yeast | 13 |
1.16 oz | Citra [12.0%] - Dry Hop 12 days | Hops | 14 |
0.53 oz | Amarillo Gold [8.5%] - Dry Hop 12 days | Hops | 15 |
0.71 oz | Citra [12.0%] - Dry Hop 9 days | Hops | 16 |
0.92 oz | Amarillo Gold [8.5%] - Dry Hop 6 days | Hops | 17 |
1.09 oz | Citra [12.0%] - Dry Hop 3 days | Hops | 18 |
Taste Notes
Double IPA with very complex malt flavors that are well matched by very tropical and fruity aromas and flavors from the large additions of Citra hops. Great head retention and clarity. Liked by many that don't like IPA's, loved by those that do. Recipe verbatim from Can You Brew It Podcast. Read notes for additional brewing info.Notes
Start dry hop 2 days after primary fermentation completes; I started at 10 days. Then add additional dry hop additions every three days. Keg/Bottle 3 days after last hop addition to get off hops and avoid and grassy flavors. Brewer uses Koppaclear tablets from Brewers Supply group as wort clarification agent. Whirfloc cleared mine up quite well, so I've substituted that in this recipe. Brewer uses Briess malts for all but 2-row and Honey. 2-row is Great Western, Honey is Gambrinus. Brewed with hard water - High in hardness, low in alkalinity.Ratings
Good Stuff 
by gilmoreous
I brewed this but missed my gravity and so mine became essentially an IPA. I havent had the commercial version but this one tastes fantastic.
by DigitalWhitewater
I've spent many an evening at the brewery drinking this beer. It is a F_CK1nG great tasty brew!!!
I'm so happy I just found this recipe. I can't wait to try it out.
Brewed 10 gallons of this and it is amazing! When they talked about the numerous tropical fruit flavors on the podcast, they were not kidding! I have never had the commercial example, however this is great!
Very Drinkable 
by Skirby41
Just cooked this one up and it is sooo drinkable. has loads of hops in the finish but not overwhelming. The citra is pronounced.
Taste Rating? 
by TimmyT
Hey Dave, Thanks for your recipe and from what I can see it appears that it would be a very good brew! I am a somewhat new home brewer and have designed and built a really nice All-Grain brewing bench that is mobile it consists of a Blichmann 15gal. hot liqour kettle a 30gal.Monster Mash Tun kettle with a stainless steel false bottom and a 20gal. Blichmann Boil Kettle with 2 March pumps! I feel that my system is a good system to brew on but my question is how do you get such a high taste rating for your IPA? I have never been able to get a rating any higher than 30 for all of my IPA's!
Anyone here including yourself can visit my Facebook page to see my system and some of my brew days and some of my home brew Timmytbrewing/facebook
Thanks in advance for your reply!
Hi Dave! I brewed your recipe for the Citra and I used BS to scale it up to a 12 gallon batch and I cant tell you how good this brew is tasting after 2 weeks in the bottle, WOW! This recipe is right on and is a good one that I will brew over and over for years to come!
Thank you,
Spot On Citra DIPA! 
by prouser2
I kegged this recipe 37 days ago and it's still a crowd favorite at my homebrew sessions. This beer really tasted great beginning 2 weeks after being kegged. This is going to be a go to IPA for my kegerator!
Brewed as a stellar single IPA 
by BarleyThere
I made a version of this at about 1.062 OG and hit about 6.8% ABV - it's a serious crowd favorite. This hop combination is amazing. So clean and tropical. I ended up first wort hopping the 60 minute addition and going with cascade for that, brewed with hard water and I removed the cara-pils and double up on the crystal malt. This is the absolute best beer I've ever brewed. Entered it in a local homebrew comp this month with high hopes! Thanks @krazydave and BN!
Personal favorite 
by Gorms
I've brewed this recipe twice and I can't get enough. The aroma from this beer is like no other, I love it. Even my daughter who is not a beer drinker likes it. I've got 3 pounds of citra hops and I hope I have enough to make it though the summer.
Of the 4 kegs in the fridge and this one empties twice as fast as any of the others.
I'm brewing another batch tomorrow.
Thanks for the recipe.
I agree ...very nice stuff!!! 
by herewegoagain
Brewed 10 gallons in April, OG 1.072, FG 1.014 = ABV 7.7%, very smooth and tasty IPA, be good during the summer months so must make again. Only things I did differently was used US05 yeast without a starter, dropped gelatin in at 2.5 weeks in the keg to make it super clear, so light its truly awesome cleared up...and cranked up the C02 for 3 days to 30psi after it sat for 3 weeks at 12psi to give it a bit more fizz. Would really like to find the Kern River Brewing Citra Double IPA to how close I am to the real deal!!
Did this in a five gallon batch. Did not get the FG down to the point I wanted but, still tastes very nice. Love the upfront aroma. Will look forward to attempting again.
by Teegee
Just brewed today, missed my OG, but got it to 1.070. Had the real thing once and it was amazing! But almost impossible to get so hope the clone is just as good. Fingers crossed.
Update: this beer is absolutely amazing! For anyone that loves IPAs, you have to make this. Love to share my beer, but wanna drink this all myself! Cant wait to make another batch.
by samara
by drgary
Made this beer in the spring using this recipe and it was a hit with everyone who sampled it. Dynamite and will brew this again and again. Kegged my first batch and next time i will play around with different hops .....make this ...you will love it!!!!
by Jrock817
I brewed this after Labor Day, then force carbonated to bottles after dry hopping three days. I did not spread the dry hop, rather, stuffed everything in one bag and dropped it in right before carbonating. I missed my gravity because of multiple stuck sparges with a new system, but it finished perfect, and I got around 7.9%. The bitterness from boil hops is awesome, and the dry hopping really added the citrus tones, and smoothed out the beer. Amazing recipe
Very happy with the results 
by Vanbrewer
This was my first all grain brew, I used the BIAB and it turned out fantastic!! I over added a bit too much corn sugar before bottling so it's a bit over carbed but tons of flavor and aroma. I'm sure it will be even better in a couple weeks once it mellows out a bit. Will brew this again.
Yes its That Good 
by wmusante
I hate to say this because many of the other comments say the same thing but.... this is my most successful and well liked recipe yet. Absolutely delicious. I do think the "Double" part of the name is a bit deceiving because I do not believe this is a Double IPA, but it is a very delicious and fruity IPA that pleases an IPA guru as well as those who do not normally like the IPA. If you tweak this recipe in the bitterness category I believe it will be a true Double IPA but it is not needed. Brew this. You will not be disappointed. My new go to, always on tap beer.
by scotthoover
I have asked several other to taste this and they have started home brewing since. I will brew this again this summer.
Great recipe! 
by sudslvr
Best beer I ever made, and probably the best beer I ever tasted. Made 3 gal, and will make again. O/G spot on
This is one of my favorite beer recipe. Every-time a huge success , The second time i made this beer with Belgian Ale yeast and everybody loved it. I also tried with Galaxy Hops and Nelson Sauvin . It's the perfect recipe to get the best aroma from your hops.
High hopes from a hops lover 
by xboardgenerationx
This is my first time all grain brewing and just got this recipe in my carboy on Sunday. I did stray from the exact recipe a bit. The bags of malt were way under what was stated on the bag as I measured them on my scale. So I threw the whole bags in. I used bottled water that stated it was from Chippewa Falls water source. Leinenkugel's anyone?
As of this morning I am not seeing any major action in the carboy as far as bubbling or krousen on top or stuck to sides. I didn't take a gravity reading as my hydromiter order didn't arrive on time. The WLP001 I got from my LHBS was near its best used by date, which has me a bit nervous. But in reading around the web it's not uncommon to see a somewhat slow fermentation.
Hopefully this turns out as good and the rest of the reviewers are claiming it is. It was only natural for me to do a dbl IPA for my first homebrew. I love a good hoppy brew.
Update: I had to repitch dry yeast. The LHBS finally admitted they had their fridge freeze and possibly kill all their liquid yeast. less than 12 hours after pitching dry I got a massive bubble over.
I just racked to secondary and it's looking pretty good.
Update 2. After being in the keg for 5 days I finally sampled it. Definitely taste citrus, almost grapefruity. Plenty of bitterness. It is much cloudier than I was hoping but It has to be due to extra yeast added due to privious mentioned issue. I will be sitting on it for a few weeks to see if it mellows out a bit. Overall Im going to enjoy it. Will brew it again.
Very Mellow IPA 
by ptg01s
I am a huge IPA fan and this beer turned out well. Much like others, I agree it is a very complex beer and will be enjoyed by all. My preferred IPAs are very citrus flavored; however I was surprised that there was not a more intense citrus flavor given the amount of citrus hops in the boil (I added an extra 1 0Z of citrus two minutes prior to flame out). I was able to get better efficiency and my FG finished at 9.1%. I did not use a hop sack; however I would recommend using one to reduce the yield loss.
lovin it 
by steve2u42
I did this recipe with a BIAB set up. Everyone loves it. I will never be without it. Always my go to beer.
Help with the hops. 
by wobbly10
At each new hop addition do you remove the previous hops or leave them all in the whole time?
Hop additions 
by Adsabine
I was wondering the same question as wobbly10, do you use a hop sac to take out the hops? Or do you transfer the beer each time? I thought your beer would get a grassy taste of you left the hops in longer than 4 days? This was my second beer I brewed, even after doing most everything wrong it still tasted good, I will brew this again very soon..
Very nice 
by Gura
Brewed it and loved it. One thing that I noticed, there was a quite limited time when it was spot on, if I remember correctly, between 1-3 months after brewing. Before that it tasted kind of "raw" and afterwards the freshness of dry hopping dissipated. Still, definitely a recipe that I will brew again.
Great Ones 
by ZulAsh
Dry Hopping. 
by mikeyj
At the homebrew level I would not perform the dry hopping the way this recipe asks. Especially if you are dry hopping in a primary fermentor. Your beer will collect vegetal flavors very rapidly if the hops interact with the trub. But also, it's overkill. There is nothing to be gained by having your hops in contact with the beer for 12 days. If you are going to dryhop, then you definitely do not want to be constantly opening and closing your fermenting device. Exposure to oxygen after ferment will ruin the clean flavors. I prefer racking to a secondary device and doing a big short dry hop no longer than 5 days. It is a great recipe, but the dry hopping method employed here is a recipe for disaster.
by bbarton79
Best beer a friend and I had made twice now. We try to make this once a year at least. Love it.
Just Drank 
by rmiranda
I just drank my first bottle. It's the best batch I've brewed so far. Very bitter, and lots of hop and hop aroma. Citrusy. And a great strong IPA. I missed my gravity on this one (I'm still a newer all grain brewer) so it's just a normal 1.067 OG/1.010 FG IPA. Try this out!!!
My favorite! 
by Burnthillian
Brewed my fifth batch today! Definitely my favorite IPA to date with all grain. Simply awesome!
Beautiful - the first beer I've brewed that I love! 
by BluSwedeShu
Citr is my favourite hop and wit the bitterness lent by the Fuggle, this is perfectly balanced. Putting aside 6 litres for our annual Oktoberfest tasting!
My goto for now 
I have brewed this recipe 8 times now over the past 8 months. Delicious. I agree with a previous comment regarding dry hopping. It is a bit overkill. I have reduced to just 1oz of Citra and 1 oz of Amarillo 5 day before kegging.
Great Everytime 
by Brewstand2
This is a great beer if you like tons of hops and people that don't like IPA's like this one. Turned out great all 3 times I have brewed it. I used Wyeast 1056 instead of WLP001.
Keg Hopping 
by AndreBrazil
Great Beer. I used most of the hops in keg hopping. Very tasty and good equillibrium of the bitterness and malt flavors.
by Talison
Cirtus/Grapefruity Deliciousness! 
by DLFields5
This was a fantastic beer, even though I didn't quite hit the gravity (1.068 rather than 1.073) Still came out 7.9% ABV and delicious! Going to be keeping this one in my keezer at all times! Perfect spring IPA
by jcoon
Found this beer while I was looking for my first IPA to brew. Turned out very good. Straight forward recipe and a massive crowd pleaser. Great smooth DIPA.
Great beer. Was my first brew and an instant hit! I did simplify the dry hop schedule to a single 6 day one.
Best beer I've ever brewed!
by krazydaveAfter having the real thing and being amazed by it, once I heard about this podcast I set out to brew it the next day. Definitely a winner in many books. Tasted by many other brewers locally and all agreed that it's worthy of winning a competition (Maybe I'll try that on the next batch, as this one is vanishing much faster than I'd like it to!).