021 En Obama

All Grain Recipe

Submitted By: Enkle_Menn (Shared)
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Brewer: Enkle Menn
Batch Size: 5.28 galStyle: Belgian Specialty Ale (16E)
Boil Size: 8.00 galStyle Guide: BJCP 2008
Color: 30.1 SRMEquipment: Braumeister - 20 Litre
Bitterness: 21.6 IBUsBoil Time: 90 min
Est OG: 1.062 (15.2° P)Mash Profile: Ommegang Mash
Est FG: 1.002 SG (0.4° P)Fermentation: Ale, Single Stage
ABV: 8.0%Taste Rating: 30.0

Amount Name Type #
5 lbs 8.18 oz Best Pale Ale Malt (2 Row) US (2.5 SRM) Grain 1
2 lbs 6.80 oz Special B Malt (180.0 SRM) Grain 2
2 lbs 3.27 oz Best Caramel Aromatic Malt (25.4 SRM) Grain 3
1 lbs 6.00 oz Best Caramel Hell Malt (15.2 SRM) Grain 4
2 lbs 3.27 oz Candi Sugar, Clear [Boil] (0.5 SRM) Sugar 5
0.60 oz Hallertau Magnum [11.9%] - Boil 60 min Hops 6
5.00 g Orange Peel (Boil 15 min) Misc 7
4.00 g Licorice Root (Boil 15 min) Misc 8
2.00 g Coriander Seed (Boil 15 min) Misc 9
1.00 items Anise, Star (Boil 15 min) Misc 10
0.35 oz Celeia [3.9%] - Boil 10 min Hops 11
2.0 pkgs Abbaye Belgian Style Ale Yeast (Lallemand Danstar #ABBAYE BELGIAN ALE YEAST) Yeast 12


- add a pinch of cumin with the coriander seed - ferment @ 74-84F - condition 2 weeks @ 28F === I started with the BYO[1] recipe and made some modifications based on recipe research i've done 1. changed hops: originally 1.25 oz of goldings, changed to columbia and goldings mixture 2. added spices: originally only .5 oz of licorice root and .5 oz of orange peel, added anise and coriander and cumin 3. rebalanced the grains to use slightly more special b (+4 oz special b / -4 oz aromatic) because i didn't think it was dark enough before 4. changed sugar: changed from 2.25 lb corn sugar to 2.25 lb candi sugar http://byo.com/barleywine-and-imperial-stout/item/5-10-clones-from-the-dark-side

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