Mandarin Blonde (2013)

All Grain Recipe

Submitted By: sjareb (Shared)
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Brewer: Steven Jareb
Batch Size: 11.00 galStyle: Blonde Ale ( 6B)
Boil Size: 14.50 galStyle Guide: BJCP 2008
Color: 4.4 SRMEquipment: Mini Brew Brew Kart
Bitterness: 22.0 IBUsBoil Time: 60 min
Est OG: 1.049 (12.1° P)Mash Profile: Single Infusion, Medium Body
Est FG: 1.011 SG (2.7° P)Fermentation: Ale, Two Stage
ABV: 5.0%Taste Rating: 30.0

Amount Name Type #
15.00 gal Distilled Water Water 1
3.00 gal Fullerton Groundwater Water 2
7.00 g Calcium Chloride (Mash 60 min) Misc 3
7.00 g Gypsum (Calcium Sulfate) (Mash 60 min) Misc 4
19 lbs Brewer's Malt, 2-Row, Premium (Great Western) (2.0 SRM) Grain 5
1 lbs Carapils (Briess) (1.5 SRM) Grain 6
8.00 oz Crystal 15, 2-Row, (Great Western) (15.0 SRM) Grain 7
8.00 oz Honey Malt (Gambrinus) (25.0 SRM) Grain 8
0.50 oz Summit [14.2%] - Boil 60 min Hops 9
0.75 oz Summit [14.2%] - Boil 20 min Hops 10
1.00 items Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 15 min) Misc 11
12.00 tsp Yeast Nutrient (Boil 10 min) Misc 12
1.00 oz Summit [14.2%] - Boil 0 min Hops 13
17.00 g Tangerine Peel (Boil 0 min) Misc 14
2.0 pkgs Safale American (DCL/Fermentis #US-05) Yeast 15


Mashed in with 175F water. Hit mash temp. Varied pockets of heat & cool but generally 152-153F. Mashed for 1 hour. Added 5g gypsum & 5g calcuim chloride to mash at dough-in. Mashed out with 205F water addition. Brought mash up to 168F. Added 2g gypsum & 2g calcium chloride to the mash at mash-off. Vorlaufed for 15 minutes until clear. Very first runnings were around 1.075. Sparged with 190F water for 1 hour. Pre-boil gravity was 1.042. 60 minute boil with all additions on time. Sanitized tangerines then zested them and added 17g of zest at flame out. Measured OG: 1.052 Chilled to aprox 70F. Sprinkled 2 packs of US-05 onto wort. Aerated with a pump for 1 hour. 02/18/13 - 66F. 02/19/13 - 67F - Active. 02/20/13 - 67F - Active. 02/21/13 - 67F - No airlock activity. 02/24/13 - 67F. Measured at 1.015. Yeast still in suspension. Roused yeast and raised temp to 71F to help finish fermentation. 03/03/13 - 72F. Measured at 1.013. Yeast still in suspension. Roused yeast and lowered temp to 68F.

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