Cannonball IPA

All Grain Recipe

Submitted By: markchilton (Shared)
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Brewer: Mark Chilton
Batch Size: 6.08 galStyle: American IPA (14B)
Boil Size: 7.93 galStyle Guide: BJCP 2008
Color: 5.1 SRMEquipment: Marks Grainfather
Bitterness: 180.3 IBUsBoil Time: 60 min
Est OG: 1.061 (14.9° P)Mash Profile: Temperature Mash, 1 Step, Medium Body
Est FG: 1.015 SG (3.9° P)Fermentation: Ale, Two Stage
ABV: 6.0%Taste Rating: 45.0

Amount Name Type #
12 lbs 5.53 oz Pale Malt, Maris Otter (3.0 SRM) Grain 1
10.58 oz Vienna Malt (3.5 SRM) Grain 2
0.53 oz Chinook [13.0%] - Boil 60 min Hops 3
0.30 tsp Irish Moss (Boil 10 min) Misc 4
3.53 oz Citra [12.0%] - Steep 30 min Hops 5
3.53 oz Summit [17.0%] - Steep 30 min Hops 6
1.76 oz Chinook [13.0%] - Steep 30 min Hops 7
1.76 oz Mosaic (HBC 369) [12.2%] - Steep 30 min Hops 8
1.0 pkgs SafAle English Ale (DCL/Fermentis #S-04) Yeast 9
3.53 oz Summit [17.0%] - Dry Hop 7 days Hops 10
1.76 oz Mosaic (HBC 369) [12.2%] - Dry Hop 7 days Hops 11

Taste Notes

This is an excellent beer. A clone of sorts of Magic Rocks - Cannonball India Pale Ale. It doesn't have as much of a Grapefruit kick to as Cannonball does but i think i might prefer it this way. You still get a big Grapefruit flavour but not as in your face as the original. The aromas are beautiful and funky (in a good way) and managed to avoid those garlic and onions aroma's that a lot of people refer to with Summit hops. The IBUs are obviously not as high as BeerSmith suggests either. At a guess I would maybe say 65 -70 IBU's


I was actually given this recipe from a fellow home brewer over Twitter, all I tweaked was the dry hopping stage and the yeast. All in all I am over the moon with this beer. It is absolutely ideal for a summers day. Its not the cheapest beer I've ever made but it is one of the best.

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