Dry English IPA 
Partial Mash Recipe
Submitted By: progmac (Shared)
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Brewer: adam | |
Batch Size: 5.00 gal | Style: English IPA (14A) |
Boil Size: 3.67 gal | Style Guide: BJCP 2008 |
Color: 7.4 SRM | Equipment: Pot ( 4 Gal/15.1 L) - Extract |
Bitterness: 52.8 IBUs | Boil Time: 60 min |
Est OG: 1.064 (15.6° P) | Mash Profile: Single Infusion, Medium Body, No Mash Out |
Est FG: 1.014 SG (3.5° P) | Fermentation: Ale, Single Stage |
ABV: 6.6% | Taste Rating: 30.0 |
Amount |
Name |
Type |
# |
3 lbs 8.00 oz |
Pale Malt, Maris Otter (3.0 SRM) |
Grain |
1 |
8.00 oz |
Victory Malt (25.0 SRM) |
Grain |
2 |
1 lbs 12.80 oz |
Extra Light Dry Extract (3.0 SRM) |
Dry Extract |
3 |
6.40 oz |
Cane (Beet) Sugar (0.0 SRM) |
Sugar |
4 |
1.00 oz |
Nugget [13.0%] - Boil 60 min |
Hops |
5 |
1.00 oz |
Goldings, East Kent [5.0%] - Boil 15 min |
Hops |
6 |
1.00 oz |
Goldings, East Kent [5.0%] - Boil 5 min |
Hops |
7 |
2.0 pkgs |
American Ale (Wyeast Labs #1056) |
Yeast |
8 |
3 lbs 8.00 oz |
Pale Liquid Extract (8.0 SRM) |
Extract |
9 |
Taste Notes
extremely smooth. also dry but without any taste of alcohol. very well-balanced.Notes
I designed this to be a dry, drinkable IPA that is not a hop monster. You'll never believe this one is over 7% ABV (mine fermented out to 1.007 FG)
BE PATIENT. This beer really needs 3 weeks in the primary and 3 weeks in the bottle. The maris/victory malts give the beer a strong nut flavor that needs to mellow out. Your patience will be richly rewarded.This Recipe Has Not Been Rated