Little Shed Zombie Rust
(2 ratings)
All Grain Recipe
Submitted By: bigljd (Shared)Members can download and share recipes
Brewer: Larry Dykema | |
Batch Size: 5.75 gal | Style: American Pale Ale (10A) |
Boil Size: 7.22 gal | Style Guide: BJCP 2008 |
Color: 8.3 SRM | Equipment: Little Shed Brewery |
Bitterness: 67.8 IBUs | Boil Time: 60 min |
Est OG: 1.062 (15.3° P) | Mash Profile: Little Shed Brewery 148 |
Est FG: 1.016 SG (4.0° P) | Fermentation: Ale, Single Stage |
ABV: 6.1% | Taste Rating: 30.0 |
Amount | Name | Type | # |
2.00 g | Calcium Chloride (Mash 60 min) | Misc | 1 |
2.00 g | Gypsum (Calcium Sulfate) (Mash 60 min) | Misc | 2 |
0.50 tbsp | PH 5.2 Stabilizer (Mash 60 min) | Misc | 3 |
10 lbs 8.00 oz | Brewers Malt 2-Row (Briess) (1.8 SRM) | Grain | 4 |
1 lbs | Munich Malt (9.0 SRM) | Grain | 5 |
8.00 oz | Caramel Malt - 60L (Briess) (60.0 SRM) | Grain | 6 |
8.00 oz | Carapils (Briess) (1.5 SRM) | Grain | 7 |
8.00 oz | Melanoidin (Weyermann) (30.0 SRM) | Grain | 8 |
0.50 oz | Summit [14.2%] - Boil 30 min | Hops | 9 |
1.50 oz | Citra Leaf [13.7%] - Boil 15 min | Hops | 10 |
0.50 items | Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 12 min) | Misc | 11 |
0.50 tsp | Yeast Nutrient (Boil 12 min) | Misc | 12 |
1.00 oz | Citra Leaf [13.7%] - Boil 10 min | Hops | 13 |
1.00 oz | Citra Leaf [13.7%] - Boil 5 min | Hops | 14 |
1.00 oz | Citra Leaf [13.7%] - Boil 1 min | Hops | 15 |
1.0 pkgs | English Ale (White Labs #WLP002) | Yeast | 16 |
2.50 oz | Citra Leaf [13.7%] - Dry Hop 10 days | Hops | 17 |
by imapokesfan
this was my first APA and first AG..brewed this with a buddy who knows much more than I. This is by far the best beer that I have produced thus far. Many friends with whom I have shared this brew also agree.