Type: $TYPE
Boil Time: $BOIL_TIME min
End of Boil Vol: $POST_BOIL_VOLUME
Final Bottling Vol: $BOTTLING_VOLUME
Fermentation: $AGE_NAME
Date: $DATE
Brewer: $BREWER
Asst Brewer: $ASST_BREWER
Equipment: $EQUIPMENT
Efficiency: $EFFICIENCY %
Est Mash Efficiency: $EST_MASH_EFFICIENCY
Taste Rating: $TASTE_RATING
Taste Notes: $TASTE_NOTES
Prepare for Brewing
- Clean and Prepare Brewing Equipment
- Total Water Needed: $TOTAL_WATER
- Mash Water Acid: $MASH_ACID_TEXT
Mash or Steep Grains
- Sparge Water Acid: $SPARGE_ACID_TEXT
- Add water to achieve boil volume of $DISPLAY_BOIL_SIZE
- Estimated pre-boil gravity is $PRE_BOIL_OG
- Estimated Post Boil Vol: $POST_BOIL_VOLUME and Est Post Boil Gravity: $EST_OG
Cool and Transfer Wort
- Cool wort to fermentation temperature
- Transfer wort to fermenter
- Add water if needed to achieve final volume of $DISPLAY_BATCH_SIZE
Pitch Yeast and Measure Gravity and Volume
- Measure Actual Original Gravity _______ (Target: $EST_OG)
- Measure Actual Batch Volume _______ (Target: $DISPLAY_BATCH_SIZE)
Dry Hop and Bottle/Keg
- Measure Final Gravity: _________ (Estimate: $EST_FG)
- Date Bottled/Kegged: $BOTTLING_DATE - Carbonation: $DISPLAY_CARBONATION
- Age beer for $AGE days at $DISPLAY_AGE_TEMP
- $END_DATE - Drink and enjoy!